Governor Smt. Patel reviews Integrated University Management System
Bhopal: Governor Smt. Anandi Ben Patel reviewed the Integrated University Management System. She sought information about various software modules and procedural systems. She directed that the integrated management system should ensure corruption-free system in stipulated time.
Governor Smt. Patel said that it should be ensured that the problems and complaints of students are resolved in the software under the existing system. The time limit of those responsible for work related to the students should be fixed. The process of identifying callous people or people engaged in irregularities should be there in the management system so that appropriate punitive action can be taken against them. She said that there should be a system of monitoring whether any fixed procedural system has been followed or not in any decision or work. Automated alerts should be generated regarding non-compliance of the fixed procedure at any stage.
She said that monitoring of employees and officers’ responsibilities of every level should also be included in the management system. The system should identify careless, apathetic and those engaged in irregularities. Movement procedure of files must be adhered. For this, the authority, responsibilities as well as time limit fixed for work should also be included in the management system. Automated information should be presented to the decision-making authority whether or not the fixed procedure is followed at every stage.
Governor Smt. Patel said that along with technical solutions in the management system, the system should have solutions related to student-teacher, student-university and teacher-university coordination. Arrangements should be made to develop a system-based report in place of the report given by the Vice Chancellors and teachers in order to fulfill their responsibilities. She said that road mapping should be arranged in the software to achieve the set goals of university teaching and research etc. She said that necessary information and data should be available for the preparing syllabus, subject material etc. according to the progressive education system in the management system. Appropriate platform should also be made available for the students to provide their suggestions and problems. Also, such an arrangement should be made that with the declaration of results of the Class Xth and Class XIIth examinations, their data gets immediately compiled into the integrated university management system. Monitoring of attendance of teachers should also be arranged along with students in class.
Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Shri Sunil Kumar gave information about the Integrated University Management System, its purpose, system of operation and its utility through a power point presentation in the review meeting. Secretary to the Governor, Shri Manohar Dubey was also present in the meeting.