Govt Polytechnic Jammu organises online poster making competition


Jammu: Government Polytechnic Bikram Chowk, Jammu today organized online poster making competition as a part of campaign ‘Defeat Covid 19’.
The theme for the poster making competition was “To honour COVID19 Warriors i.e. Doctors, Police, Sanitation Volunteers, Administrative Staff, Vendors, Hawkers and each and every citizen who are contributing to DEFEAT COVID19”. In the competition more than 30 students and staff participated with great zeal and posted their painting to the jury members online.
The jury for the online painting competition was Akash Dasgotra, Manu Rajput and Abhishek Padha, faculty of college. Various paintings made by students and staff saluted the efforts and resilience of all the frontline warriors fighting for public and are leaving no stones unturned to fight this global pandemic Covid 19.
Pallavi Gupta of 4th semester Electrical Engineering bagged first prize in poster making competition while Girinder Kumar and Girish Kumar of 2nd semester Civil Engineering bagged 2nd and 3rd prize respectively.
Er Arun Bangotra, Principal of the college appreciated the efforts of all the participating students and staff and expressed his gratitude to all the frontline warriors fighting for public, saving people risking their lives for public against coronavirus. He further appeal to students to stay home and utilize their time in online classes. Government Polytechnic Jammu is effectively conducting the online class through Google Classrooms, Google Hangout, Zoom App, Whatsapp and Youtube channels since lockdown was declared for the Polytechnic students of all the semester and branches, in which many students of various Polytechnics are getting benefitted through these online classes.