Griffith University joins forces with ReGov Technologies in Malaysia

Griffith University has joined forces with ReGov Technologies in Malaysia to connect vulnerable economies in the Pacific Islands to global markets through the National Digital Innovation Launchpad (NDIL).

Starting in Tonga, the NDIL is designed to accelerate the use of technology and build local capacity to implement digital projects and solutions that will benefit many of its citizens.

Founding member of the NDIL Collective, Acting Director of Griffith Asia Institute Professor Ian Hall said the initiative aims to create digitally empowered societies throughout the Pacific Islands.

“Thirty-seven per cent of the global population, representing three billion people, are currently not digitally connected,” Professor Hall said.

“In the next decade 70 per cent of global economic value will be generated by the digital economy, prompting urgent action on how to accelerate the digital transformation and create an inclusive digital society.

“The initiative has the potential to significantly enhance inclusive economic growth in the Pacific region and create new opportunities for local entrepreneurs to grow and develop their businesses.

“Our recently initiated research examining the potential for businesses in Tonga to adopt new technology models and provide digital solutions is just the first of what we foresee as many programs we will be supporting as part of the NDIL.”

ReGov Technologies CEO Datuk Paul Khoo said this is a landmark partnership and the first between a Malaysian technology company and the prestigious Griffith University.

“This collaboration will enable us to build the capacity of Pacific nations to lay the groundwork for a future where everyone is a digital citizen, where everyone can participate fully in a connected, digital society.”

“That’s the real power of the NDIL where impact-driven digital solutions and applications can be built using our self-sovereign identity and data credentialing framework.”

“Inclusive and intelligent digitlisation can unleash tremendous economic value. In a region where small economies are cut off from each other and the rest of the world by vast distances, a digitally connected Pacific can become a significant economic bloc.”

The NDIL collaboration with ReGov Technologies will combine resources and expertise to undertake knowledge sharing, collaborative research and capacity building programs aimed at strengthening inclusive digital economies and societies in the Pacific Islands region.

The MOU has identified the following areas of collaboration:

Development and implementation of an NDIL in participating Pacific Island countries to support national digital transformation priorities
Mutual assistance in organising digital innovation programs, including mentorship, to strengthen national capacity
Conducting research and sharing of best practices and knowledge on programs and policies to build inclusive digital economies
Explore opportunities for other forms of co-operation to strengthen digital literacy and delivery of digital technology training.