Heidelberg University Hosts Baden-Württemberg’s Science Minister


“Heidelberg, a University of Excellence, unites tradition and the future. The Faculty of Engineering Sciences officially opened in 2022 is a new departure for the university in terms of combining engineering and natural sciences. Its interdisciplinary research profile embraces innovative engineering approaches – from molecular biotechnology to computer engineering and medical technology. I am looking forward to gaining insights into the new faculty and its integration into Heidelberg University,” says Science Minister Petra Olschowski before her official visit.

“Heidelberg University faces a series of major challenges and projects, for instance coping with rising energy prices, pushing the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim or preparing for the excellence competition,” underlines University Rector Bernhard Eitel. “In our experience, the science ministry is a reliable partner of our university. Continuing this partnership with Minister Olschowski is an important concern of ours. We are looking forward to this first official meeting.”

During her visit to Ruperto Carola, the Science Minister will spend time at the Im Neuenheimer Feld Campus. A short walk to the IMSEAM building will focus on new buildings, construction works and pent-up renovation requirements. At the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials, Petra Olschowski will meet Prof. Dr Christine Selhuber-Unkel, the founding director of the institute, and Peter Abelmann, chair of the constituted student body, along with bachelor students from the MINT subjects. In addition, the Minister will have discussions with professors, representatives of early-career researchers and doctoral candidates, touching, inter alia, on the work of IMSEAM and the new Faculty of Engineering Sciences. A final conversation with representatives of the Rectorate and the university’s Commission for Research and Strategy will focus on the excellence competition, the life science Innovation Campus, and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim.