Historic Two-Tier Conference of Freedom Fighters and Their Heirs Concludes with Resounding Unity in Haridwar  

Haridwar: A grand two-tier conference of freedom fighters and their descendants took place today at the Saini Ashram in Jwalapur. Organized by the Uttarakhand Pradesh Congress Committee’s Freedom Fighters Heirs Cell, the event was marked by an outpouring of enthusiasm and commitment to the Congress ideology.

Veteran freedom fighters and their heirs, hailing from all corners of the country including Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh, participated in this historic gathering. The event was skillfully managed by Shri Avadhesh Pant, General Secretary of the Cell, and was presided over by Freedom Fighter Shri Buddhiprakash.

Throughout the conference, delegates presented invaluable suggestions and voiced unanimous concern over the rapid deterioration of the nation’s social fabric. They highlighted the rising attempts to create communal discord for selfish gains, the visible pressure of autocratic forces, increasing crimes against women, and the ongoing assault on the Constitution. The group also expressed deep concern over the economic crisis and the aggressive posturing by China at the borders.

A key resolution passed during the conference emphasized the urgent need to resist these threats and preserve the ideals for which India’s freedom fighters sacrificed their lives. The participants also proposed the re-establishment of a national-level Freedom Fighters and Heirs Cell within the Congress Party, a structure that had existed in the past.

Dr. Jaya Shukla, National Senior Vice President of the Congress Party’s Ideology Department and a descendant of a freedom fighter, shared that the event was graced by prominent figures, including senior Congress leaders Shri Karan Mahara, Shri Ganesh Godiyal, and Smt. Mamta Rakesh, as well as revered veteran freedom fighters and veeranganas.