How to Avoid Looking Like a Newbie While Playing Poker?


Poker is a game full of affectations. Your ability to win or lose money at the poker table greatly depends on how other players view you. Poker is an acting, bluffing, and trap-filled game. In group play poker, it is quite advantageous for you if you appear to be experienced.


So how can you make it look like you have more experience? With a little preparation and practice, you might be able to pass for a decent player. Read on to know about some of the most typical errors to avoid and easy methods for feigning experience below.

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Avoid Tilting

If the outcomes do not go your way, you may become frustrated. This is especially true for new players who give their best, but when they do not get the results, they become visibly upset at the table and start making rash decisions that land them in serious difficulty. So play calmly and refrain from tilting.

  1. Learn to Fold

Beginner poker players frequently make the error of thinking that since they have already placed a lot of chips in the pot, they should just play it out and add as much as necessary. They’ll believe that giving up means losing. In contrast to many other games, bowing out of a hand is frequently the right and wisest course of action. Never be reluctant to fold.

  1. Do Not Be Predictable

Poker is all about mystery and blinding your opponents. You must retain as much intrigue as possible while playing without revealing too much information. You will be immediately exposed if you play in a predetermined pattern and employ a certain strategy at the table, and the more seasoned players at the table will not hesitate to take advantage of you. Be flexible and adapt your poker game techniques to the circumstances.

  1. Be Aware of the Gaming Lingo

To play poker well, it is crucial to be able to communicate with the other players. There are several words particular to poker that are useful to understand. The more knowledge you possess and can learn from the people at your table, the more experienced you will seem to be. Some of these expressions may be crucial to your style of play. Learn about them!

  1. Size Your Bets

If you want to win the game, you must understand when and how much to wager. Make sure you are not placing excessive bets on inferior or draw-worthy cards. You will not get very far in the game. On the other hand, if you have a strong hand, you must be able to judge how much you can wager on it to advance to a win. Although it is a challenging skill to master, with enough practice it will come effortlessly to you.

  1. Leave the Cards on the Table

To show that you are still in that hand, it is customary to place your cards with a chip on the table. It aids the dealer in determining if you are still playing. When it comes to betting, you can be passed over if you are hiding your cards in your lap, which disrupts the game’s flow for everyone. Additionally, it makes sure you are not trying to cheat and are playing honestly.

  1. Choose a Reliable Online Casino

Finding a trustworthy online casino India is an underrated aspect of online gaming in general. Your poker experience may be ruined if you are investing your time and money into an online casino that does not match your requirements. So, make sure you have thoroughly researched the online casino that you are investing in.


This can be quite a complicated task. To make this task easy, you can always visit AskGamblers. It is a one-stop shop for all your online gaming requirements. They provide you with reviews of all online casinos. Not only that, but they also provide customers with all the necessary information and tools to make their online gaming experience safer and more fruitful.

Basic Table Etiquette

  1. Know the Game

There are numerous variants of poker. Make sure you are playing the correct version if you decide to sit down at a table to play.


You must be aware of the betting system used for the game. You should be aware of your limitations. Nothing screams “newbie” like asking the dealer how much you may wager.


You will also want to know what the blinds are. The least amount you may stake is equal to the big blind.


  1. Know When It is Your Turn

Learning when it is your turn is probably just as crucial as knowing the game you are playing. You should also be aware of your alternatives when the action comes to you. The location of the dealer’s button determines who takes the turn.


You’ll also need to keep track of who is still engaged in the hand and who has folded. If the majority of the table has folded their hands, the action will come to you swiftly. Keep in mind that the action may skim over the majority of the table.

  1. Be Aware of Your Table Position

One of the most neglected strategic tools for beginning poker players is table position since where you sit in respect to the dealer will frequently influence how you play the whole hand. The worst places to be are the first few spots to the left of the dealer. It would simply be foolish to place a wager right away since you have no way of knowing what the other players at the table are planning to do in terms of betting or checking. So, wait to place your bets while watching what the other players do.


Final Word

Playing poker involves abiding by a few fundamental rules: show consideration for your fellow players, respect the authority of the dealer, keep to yourself, and wait your turn. Doing your research is also an important aspect of your gameplay.

If you do not want to appear like a newbie, you must stay under everyone’s radar by not making fundamental errors. Remember these basic courtesy gestures and conduct your study to deceive the table into believing you have a better handle than everyone else.