Hydrogel developed by University of São Paulo helps treat tooth erosion and sensitivity


A new technology, for professional use, can help in the treatment of tooth erosion and sensitivity. It is a hydrogel based on chitosan, a substance extracted from crustaceans such as shrimp, and natural additives, without the addition of fluoride, which acts on the teeth to replace the mineral lost in the corrosive process and seal the surface of the teeth, decreasing sensitivity. The new product, with a patent application in progress, through the USP Innovation Agency (AUSPIN) , was developed by dentist Shelyn Akari Yamakami during her doctorate at the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto (Forp) at USP under the guidance of Professor Regina Guenka Palma Dibb.

Shelyn says that dental erosion is a chronic disease that attacks the teeth through a chemical process without the action of bacteria. It is caused by acids originating from the organism itself or contained in food and the consequences of this wear can be the loss of dental structure, shorter and yellower teeth, in addition to pain from dentin hypersensitivity. The new technology, says the researcher, is capable of sealing the dentinal tubules, which are microscopic channels that radiate beneath the surface of the enamel to the inside of the tooth and are responsible for tooth sensitivity. The main idea, according to Shelyn, is to reduce the erosive process that increases the problem.

Reflux is the main villain, but not the only one

One of the main factors of dental erosion and, consequently, of dentine sensitivity, says the researcher, is gastroesophageal reflux, a disease caused by the return of acidic stomach contents to the esophagus, throat and mouth. “In Brazil, around 11% of the population has symptoms that are compatible with reflux”, she says.

Other factors that can lead to reflux are excessive consumption of acidic foods and drinks, people with eating disorders, professionals who are exposed to acids in their work environment and even swimmers who are constantly in contact with chlorine in the water.

Hydrogel is efficient, but cause of erosion must be investigated

The hydrogel was developed based on chitosan in a specific concentration and natural additives that are non-toxic to the body to act on the teeth with the double action of inhibiting the erosive process and dentin hypersensitivity. According to the authors, there is nothing similar on the market.

Differently from the currently commercialized products, the new technology does not contain fluoride, being an alternative for patients with restriction to the chemical element. Despite this, Shelyn emphasizes that “fluoride is still used for caries prevention with its widely proven effectiveness in protecting teeth and improving oral health”.

The researcher informs that when the acids come into contact with the surface of the teeth, the mineral content starts to be dissolved, making them more vulnerable to the action of enzymes present in the mouth, which favors the erosive process over time. “If the dissolution of minerals becomes cyclical, part of the tooth structure can be lost by the action of the acid; for this reason, we added agents to the hydrogel that act both in replacing the mineral part, as well as in sealing the surface of the tooth. These actions reduce the sensitivity in the area, the progression of erosion and, consequently, the irreversible loss of tooth structure”, comments Shelyn.

Professor Regina, however, warns that technology does not act alone, requiring a correct diagnosis of the cause of the erosion process. With this, it is possible to act at the source of the problem, which may be reflux, eating problems or the exaggerated consumption of acidic foods, preventing the erosion process from returning and the treatment with the hydrogel being possible and efficient.

Even with the patent application in progress, Professor Regina believes that it should reach the market as quickly as possible, providing an affordable price for commercialization. “ When developing this technology we were concerned about the cost of this solution. In the laboratory, this cost is not higher than those existing in the market. So we are hopeful that this product will come at a much more affordable price than current treatments for sensitivity and erosion,” she concludes.

Shelyn presented her PhD work Effect of different treatments on the interception of dentin erosion , with guidance from Professor Regina Guenka Palma Dibb , to Forp, in May 2020.

USP Innovation Agency

The USP Innovation Agency (AUSPIN) , created in February 2005, is the USP Technological Innovation Center responsible for managing the innovation policy to promote the use of scientific, technological and cultural knowledge at the University in favor of the socioeconomic development of the State of São Paulo and the country.

It acts directly in the protection of the industrial and intellectual heritage produced at USP, guiding professors, students and employees in the elaboration of projects and carrying out the necessary procedures for the registration of patents, trademarks, copyrights of books, software, music, among other creations.

The USP Innovation Agency is present on all USP campuses: São Paulo, Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto and São Carlos.