IIM Tiruchirappalli celebrates Women’s Day

Tiruchirappalli:  Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) celebrated Women’s Day on March 08, 2022. In light of the ongoing pandemic, the event was conducted in the hybrid mode for the benefit of the offline and online audience. The chief guests of the event joined online.


The celebration began with the lighting of the lamp by Prof. Upam Pushpak Makhecha, Prof. Godwin Tennyson, and Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Director, IIM Trichy. Prof. Upam Makhecha welcomed the audience by wishing everyone a very happy Women’s Day. Focusing on the importance of gender equality and the general upliftment of women, she welcomed the three chief guests of the event: Ms. Shradha Sharma (Founder of YourStory), Ms. Richa Singh (Founder of YourDOST), and Ms. Anu Meena (Founder of Agrowave). Prof. Makhecha told the audience about her journey as a woman in multiple places of work and what life means to her. To her, the abbreviation ‘LIFE’ stands for Love, Imagine, Forgive, and Energy. With this, she urged all women to live life to the fullest and wished happiness for everyone.

The audience was then greeted by Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Director, IIM Trichy, who started his address by saluting all the strong women and praising the three chief guests for their remarkable achievements. He added that abolishing gender discrimination is the need of the hour, and gender equality must be established, but this isn’t enough. Instead of just establishing equality, he said that every person should have the right to live their lives in complete originality. He emphasized that women and men are not to compete with one another since there are many aspects in which women make better leaders than men. Quoting Premchand, he added, “On the path of evolution, women are far ahead of men.”

The chief guests then addressed the gathering. Ms. Shraddha Sharma began her address by stressing how every day should be celebrated as Women’s Day. She emphasized that women worldwide should take care of their health and keep themselves physically and mentally fit. She added that the world will try to mold women in certain ways that fit a few people’s narratives; however, it’s crucial to be yourself and do what you feel is right. Lastly, she urged all women to believe in their magic and dreams, and that good times will come soon. Ms. Richa Singh then addressed the gathering and encouraged women to stand up for one another and be each other’s strengths. She stressed the need to eliminate this mindset of ignoring mental health problems and not asking for psychological and therapeutic help. We shall normalize seeking psychiatric help. She also spoke on overcoming one’s fear of failures and taking them as learning experiences instead. In all, she concluded by saying that it’s okay to ask for support whenever needed and one should not shy away from seeking help. Finally, Ms. Anu Meena addressed the gathering by encouraging women to question everything around them. Women must place importance on their thoughts and beliefs and challenge whatever seems wrong. She also urged women to become financially independent, since this way they’ll be able to enjoy complete equality, allowing them to do whatever they wish to do in life.

The event concluded with the vote of thanks by Meenal Jain, Women Secretary, IIM Trichy, followed by light refreshments for the attendees.