Implementation of Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana

The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched a Central Sector Scheme namely “Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana” (RVY) on 1st April, 2017 with the objective to provide the senior citizens, living below poverty line and suffering from any of the age related disability/ infirmity, with such assisted living devices which can restore near normalcy in their bodily functions, overcoming the disability/ infirmity manifested. Devices viz. walking sticks, elbow crutches, walkers/crutches, tripods/quadpods, hearing aids, wheelchairs, artificial dentures and spectacles are provided free of cost to senior citizens belonging to BPL category who suffer from age related disabilities/infirmities such as low vision, hearing impairment, loss of teeth and loco-motor disabilities in the camp mode.

The Scheme is implemented through the ‘Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO)’, (a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment) as the sole implementing Agency. The Scheme of RVY is entirely funded from Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund (SCWF). So far, total 138 distribution camps have been organised across the country under RVY.

As on 13.03.2020, the details of the total number of beneficiaries, State-wise, under the scheme since its inception is given below:-

S.NO. States/UTs No. Of Beneficiaries
F.Y. 2017-18 F.Y. 2018-19 F.Y. 2019-20
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0 342 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 2720 2676 1007
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0 384 943
4 Assam 0 0 316
5 Bihar 1665 261 496
6 Chandigarh 0 0 0
7 Chhattisgarh 0 711 0
8 Dadar and Nagar Haveli 0 0 0
9 Daman and Diu 0 0 0
10 Delhi 1480 1971 0
11 Goa 2407 0 0
12 Gujarat 2760 861 1961
13 Haryana 1611 563 1609
14 Himachal Pradesh 76 118 0
15 Jammu and Kashmir 0 0 247
16 Jharkhand 21 1839 0
17 Karnataka 0 1320 1048
18 Kerala 687 275 1646
19 Lakshadweep 0 528 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 3980 11024 818
21 Maharashtra 3126 18401 0
22 Manipur 0 0 0
23 Meghalaya 1822 5469 2510
24 Mizoram 0 0 0
25 Nagaland 0 2661 0
26 Odisha 0 0 1352
27 Puducherry 1529 0 0
28 Punjab 0 1434 0
29 Rajasthan 4210 2707 5298
30 Sikkim 0 1814 804
31 Tamil Nadu 0 1415 150
32 Telangana 0 1473 592
33 Tripura 795 0 1158
34 Uttarakhand 1100 1537 1404
35 Uttar Pradesh 4080 5831 21447
36 West Bengal 0 0 0
Total 34069 65615 44806


This information was given by Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Rattan Lal Kataria in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.