In Moscow, groundbreaking technology is revolutionizing the field of ENT diagnostics as artificial intelligence now has the ability to accurately identify ENT diseases through X-rays


In Moscow, neural networks have pioneered the recognition of ENT diseases on X-ray images, with a particular focus on identifying sinusitis—a crucial aspect of the over three million X-ray examinations conducted in Russia last year. An innovative artificial intelligence (AI) service is now in place, providing doctors with immediate access to preliminary results within two to three minutes post-procedure, thereby streamlining the diagnostic workflow.

Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, underscores the pivotal role of AI in advancing diagnostic imaging, citing its ability to simplify tasks for doctors and enhance overall efficiency.

The AI-based service not only segments potential pathologies on medical images but also conducts automatic measurements, offering valuable assistance to doctors in making accurate diagnoses. While the final decision remains with the physician, the integration of AI significantly expedites the diagnostic process and improves overall accuracy.

Since 2020, artificial intelligence services have been utilized as part of an experimental initiative exploring the potential of computer vision technologies in healthcare in Moscow. This project is being spearheaded by the Complex of Social Development of Moscow in collaboration with the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Health Department. Currently, over 50 AI services are operational in Moscow across 28 modalities. These services have facilitated the analysis of more than 10.5 million medical studies by medical professionals.

Yuri Vasiliev, Senior Consultant for Radiology sheds light on the intricacies of describing X-rays for sinusitis due to overlapping bone structures in the facial part of the skull. He emphasizes, “In the context of diagnostic imaging, accurately interpreting sinusitis on x-rays can be a challenging task due to the intricate structure of the facial bones. The overlapping zone of bone structures in the region makes it difficult to discern inflammatory changes in the soft tissues of the sinuses and other signs of pathology. This can include the level of fluid that may fill the sinus or violations of the integrity of the bone division. In such cases, artificial intelligence can serve as a valuable aid to the physician by highlighting the thickening of the mucous membranes and calculating the percentage of sinus filling with pathological contents. This technology can help doctors to make more accurate and informed diagnoses, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.”

The application of computer vision technologies in medicine not only reduces the interpretation time for imaging tests but also empowers medical staff to make precise diagnoses and prescribe effective treatments. The introduction of such technologies in healthcare makes it possible to create and develop a market for medical decision support systems in radiology diagnostics.

Implemented by the Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine of the Moscow Department of Health, this project aligns with the objectives of the national project “Healthcare,” concentrating on improving the quality and accessibility of medical care for Moscow residents. Established in 1996, the center specializes in implementing AI technologies in medicine, advancing radiology, organizing medical institutions, conducting research, and educating medical professionals.