Indian and Australian experts discuss the future of digital health in India
New Delhi: The George Institute for Global Health, in partnership with the Australian High Commission, held a Digital Health and Technology roundtable in Delhi today. Australian and Indian health experts, policymakers, and business and thought leaders came together to discuss the solutions required in health services delivery, advances in medical health and digital technologies, regulatory challenges and implementation experiences in both countries. The roundtable is one of the first activities to be held under the Health MoU exchanged between Prime Minister Turnbull and Prime Minister Modi in April this year.
Dr. Vivekanand Jha, Executive Director of the George Institute for Global Health in India, said “India has recently launched the National Health Policy 2017 which articulates the need for increasing access, improving quality and lowering the cost of healthcare delivery. This roundtable was organised with a view to support this vision.”
During discussions, Acting High Commissioner for Australia, Chris Elstoft, noted Australia’s leadership in delivering secure, quality, health services with the aid of digital technology, and the establishment of the Australian Digital Health Agency to support this.
Speaking as Chief Guest, the Health Minister of the State of Victoria in Australia, the Hon. Jill Hennessy MP, shared Victorian innovations – “A key investment in Victoria is the electronic referral (eReferral) program, which has enabled health professionals to share clinical information securely in the delivery of health services”.
A summary of recommendations from the roundtable will be submitted for consideration to the bilateral Senior Officials Working Group on Health and Medicine that will meet in June this year.