Industrial chemistry student to represent AMU in USA conference


Aligarh : MSc Industrial Chemistry student of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and President, American Chemical Society (ACS) International Students’ Chapter—AMU, Arish Naim has been motivating young people to achieve excellence in chemistry; organising seminars and arranging field trips to local industries, laboratories and schools and it fetched her an invitation to attend the ‘Annual ACS Leadership Conference’ scheduled to take place from May 20 to 22 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

She will represent AMU and interact with ACS leaders to learn more skills and participate in brainstorming sessions with Younger Chemist Committee (YCC) members.

“Arish will meet the ACS President and its board of directors, student leaders, and other young chemists in the Atlanta conference and will also present a detailed report of ACS International Students’ Chapter, Aligarh. All travel expenses will be covered by ACS”, said her faculty advisor, Dr Mohammad Zain Khan (Department of Chemistry, AMU).

She has been selected to attend the ‘invitation only’ conference for showing exemplary leadership as the founding member of the ACS International Students’ Chapter, AMU. This is the second time she is representing the AMU Chapter at an international meeting.

Earlier, Arish received the ACS Travel Grant to present a research paper at the ACS Orlando Meet in 2019.