INSMA and CSDO Lead Maintenance Reviews for Navy and Air Force Equipment

To address the current and futuristic security needs of Armed Forces, an Integrated Capability Development Plan is formulated by Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff in consultation with all stakeholders. This plan is reviewed annually, as part of two-yearly roll-over Annual Acquisition Plan. The review of Annual Acquisition Plan is undertaken both at Service Headquarters and Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff level.

All three Services have requisite mechanisms to review the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) manuals and procedures. These, inter-alia, include Indian Naval Ship Maintenance Authority (INSMA) for all ships and submarines in the Navy, Central Servicing Development Organisation (CSDO) and Base Repair Depots (BRDs) in IAF for aircraft and systems etc. For indigenous equipment, MRO reviews are also undertaken by the users in consultation with DPSUs/Indian Industry, where applicable. Manuals and procedures related to maintenance and repairs are regularly updated.