International Day of Peace: The Quest for Peace: A Gen Z Perspective

By Kanishka Raj

The Peace Day is celebrated internationally on the 21st of September, is more than just a date on the calendar. Established by the United Nations in 1981, it represents hope, unity, and a commitment towards creating a harmonious global community. But how does Generation Z perceive and participate in this endeavor?

Imagine a world where disagreements are resolved through warm conversations rather than hostility, where nations prioritize collaboration over confrontation. Such is the world we dream of, where the sounds of joy drown out the drums of war. In this envisioned reality, peace isn’t just a utopian concept but an active pursuit, an adventurous quest that we all collectively embark upon.

Growing up in the age of rapid technological advancement and increasing globalization, Generation Z has been privileged to witness an interconnected world. Yet, alongside this privilege, we have also seen the intensifying impacts of challenges like climate change. Icons like Greta Thunberg have ignited global movements, emphasizing the imperative of sustainable development goals. Being part of this era, we recognize that the crisis of climate change is not just about the environment, but equally about justice, equity, and humanity.

Interestingly, this year’s World Peace Day theme, “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals”, underscores our collective responsibility towards fostering peace. Achieving global peace is intrinsically linked with realizing Sustainable Development Goals. The two complement and catalyze each other.

However, the journey to global peace starts locally, through everyday actions. While the International Day of Peace reminds us of the vast challenges ahead, it also sheds light on the tangible steps we can take in our communities. Promoting education that emphasizes empathy, conflict resolution, and intercultural understanding is vital. As students, our role is to advocate for peaceful solutions, spread awareness, and work towards an inclusive world where diversity is celebrated.

The current global landscape also highlights another critical aspect: the scarcity of quality education with global exposure, especially in nations like India. With opportunities to study abroad and scholarships becoming more accessible, many are exploring educational avenues outside their home countries. While it reflects the aspirations of today’s youth, it also showcases a gap in the educational infrastructure that needs addressing.

World Peace Day is not just a call for a global ceasefire, but also an invitation for reflection. It is a day to celebrate the power of dialogue, diplomacy, and unity. For Gen Z, it’s a day of renewed commitment to a more equitable, sustainable, and peaceful world.

In the end, peace isn’t just about grand global agreements or diplomatic summits. It’s also about the small acts of kindness, understanding, and cooperation we engage in every day. It’s about painting the world in shades of kindness and ensuring that love and laughter resonate louder than discord.


To conclude, as we journey towards building a world of peace, let’s embrace the poetic vision of love, harmony, and unity:


In a world of chaos, strife, and noise,

Where conflicts brew and anger poise,

I dream of a place, a world so sweet,

Where love and laughter, they finally meet.


Let’s paint a canvas of skies so blue,

With shades of kindness, in every hue,

Where swords are flowers, not tools of war,

And peace blossoms like never before.


Let’s strive to make this dream our reality. Join the journey, and together, let’s make peace both an extraordinary and ordinary aspect of our lives.


Kanishka is a Class-XII student from Jaipur, Rajasthan. She is an ambitious student aiming to contribute to world peace through her work and writings. Email: [email protected]