International Minority Rights Day observed



ALIGARH : Faculty members, research scholars and students of the Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University discussed various aspects of minority rights, including meaning, challenges and ways and means to ensure their application in a large democratic set-up, in a symposium held to mark the International Minority Rights Day on December 17.

Speaking on ‘Beyond Minoritism: The Significance of International Minority Rights Day’, Prof. Mohammad Mohibul Haque called for upholding the right to freedom and equal opportunities for the minorities across the globe and creating awareness.

Mr. Parvez Alam (Assistant Professor) expressed his views on ‘Democracy and Minority Rights’ and highlighted the special provisions present in the constitution for the welfare of minorities.

Salman, a research scholar in the department, spoke on ‘Opportunities and Challenges for Minorities in India’ and discussed Part III of the Indian Constitution in general and Articles 29 and 30, in particular.

Another research scholar, Utba Israr Sheikh spoke on the key elements of democracy and emphasized the importance of the participation of minorities in decision-making.

Earlier, Fizzah Haider (Programme Coordinator) introduced the theme and Prof. Iqbalur Rehman (Chairman of the department) welcomed the speakers and emphasized the importance of diversity and multiculturalism for ensuring minority rights.