International students continue to master modern social media

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in the Humanities of PetrSU I.E. Abramova and senior lecturer of the department A.V. Ananyin conducted an online workshop dedicated to the peculiarities of preparing English-language videos on topical socio-political topics for YouTube video hosting, with the participation of 4th year bachelors of the International Relations direction and master students of the History direction (the profile of the study is “Contemporary History of Russia”).
Bachelors in international affairs presented their educational projects to create videos on topical domestic and foreign policy issues, as well as the image of Russia in the modern world. The students faced a difficult task – to study the main features of such popular genres of Internet video as political blog, interviews, live reporting and streaming, and then shoot their own videos that reproduce these features as accurately as possible and post them on their own YouTube channel .

The undergraduates who took part in the event carried out a detailed critical analysis of the submitted videos according to a number of criteria, including the relevance of the content to the intended target audience, the accessibility and consistency of information presentation, the quality of the video sequence and phonetic skills. The feedback team highly appreciated the results of creative YouTube projects and came to the conclusion that such materials will find their viewers and will help to increase interest in Russia among foreign audiences.