J N Medical College doctors perform cardiac surgery in Manipur

ALIGARH  : A team of surgeons from the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical Colege (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University, including Prof Mohd Azam Haseen (Chairman, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery), Dr Nadeem Raza (Department of Anesthesia) and Dr Sabir Ali Khan, Chief Perfusionist, performed cardiac surgery on two kids, who had a hole inside their heart, at the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Imphal, Manipur, under the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) under National Health Mission.

The team had visited the RIMS, Imphal to mentor the doctors to start cardiac services under the National Health Mission.

Prof Azam Haseen said it was the first time heart surgery had been done in a government centre in northeastern states.

Dr Nadeem Raza said that it was a challenging task to give anaesthesia at a new centre as both the kids were very sick.

Dr Sabir Ali Khan informed that both the kids have been discharged and the parents are happy with the progress.

Prof Shaad Abqari (Department of Pediatrics and Nodal Officer, Interdisciplinary Pediatric Cardiac Center – IPCC) informed that JNMC has been mentoring RIMS, Imphal for the past 6 years and we have helped them establish the cardiac centre. He said that the IPCC has been elevated to the level of a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for the services being provided by it at JNMC to the people of Uttar Pradesh.

Prof. Tabassum Shahab, former Convener and Advisor, RBSK, informed that IPCC was established by NHM in 2018 and since then it has screened more than 15000 kids and about 1400 heart surgeries and interventions have been done by the team at JNMC. He said that it is a proud moment for JNMC that patients are being referred to us for cardiac ailments not only from UP but from the entire northern India.

Prof. Kamran Afzal, Convener, RBSK stated that the cardiac team at JNMC is doing good work and every day the waiting list at the centre is increasing which is a testimony of trust that people are showing in the JNMC.

Prof. Veena Maheshwari, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Principal and CMS, JNMC, and Prof. Waseem Rizvi, Medical Superintendent, JNMC congratulated the team members for this remarkable achievement.