Jan-Abhiyan: KPDCL achieves 50% target of works



SRINAGAR : Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) has achieved a target of about 50 percent under Jan-Abhiyan, B2V4 programme of Govt of J&K.

As part of the programme, various Maintenance activities are being carried out and till date out of 5875 distribution Transformers deducted for Oil topping, KPDCL team has so far achieved a target of 2371 No’s. and likewise out of 2746 distribution transformers, 1668 have already been checked for Load Imbalance and corrective measures were taken on spot by the field staff so as to minimize the DT outage, besides the routine maintenance activities of the field staff.

The Engineers and Staff of KPDCL under the guidance of Managing Director (MD), KPDCL Yasin M Choudhary carried out various inspections of HT/LT network and conducted mass contact programmes to achieve various deliverables which are targeted to provide better services to the public at large.

The MD said that the field staff has been asked to conduct thorough inspections of various distribution transformers and other allied HT/LT networks across the villages of Kashmir so as to provide better reliability of electric power to the consumers specially keeping in view the onset of the Winter.

As a part of Jan-Abhiyan- B2V4 program, necessary instructions have been passed out to the field staff to carry out wide publication of the amnesty scheme recently launched by Govt of J&K in the interest of the public, Choudhary said. He added that the scheme will prove highly beneficial to the poor section of the society by way of clearing their long pending electricity dues.