JNTU Hyderabad and MathWorks Host Workshop Focused on Emerging Trends in AI, Electrification, and IoT


Hyderabad – MathWorks and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTUH) successfully hosted a national workshop on “Emerging Trends in AI, Electrification, and IoT.” The event brought technical experts from MathWorks, academicians, and industry professionals together at the JN Auditorium on the JNTU Hyderabad campus to discuss the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Electrification, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

“This event brought some of the region’s best technical minds across industry and academia to delve into the current technological trends driving the world,” said Dr. Madhavi Latha, Director, Academic & Planning, JNTUH / Vice Chancellor JNTUH/ Registrar, JNTUH. “This collaborative effort with MathWorks offers our faculty members a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding and expertise in cutting-edge technology. Educating our educators fosters innovation in JNTUH’s curriculum and ensures we prepare our students for the modern workforce.”

MathWorks Education team leaders Dr. Lakshminarayan Viju Ravichandran and Ms. Zahida Vaseem and a group of distinguished speakers, including Dr. Madhavi Latha from JNTU Hyderabad and Mr. Manoneet Kumar Singh from Vishnu Motorsports, discussed the critical importance of system-level thinking in the era of AI, advocating for the development of greener technologies through Model-Based Design. These presentations focused on the transformative power of Large Language Models (LLMs) for engineering design, offering a comprehensive overview of how these models revolutionize engineering problem-solving and innovation.

Additional highlights from the workshop included:

A master class on AI for engineering applications, showcasing AI applications’ growing influence across most industries.

Real-world demonstrations highlighting the practical integration of IoT technologies with MATLAB, Simulink, and ThingSpeak, into sophisticated IoT solutions.

A dynamic “Hardware Connectivity” demo showcase that connected industry professionals with student racing teams. The demo showcased low-cost hardware and IoT integration with MATLAB and Simulink, complemented by a dynamic demo showcase booth on Hardware Connectivity.

Chandan Pramanik, Director of Education, MathWorks India, stated, “We were very privileged to work with JNTU Hyderabad on this workshop. The joint effort highlights the importance of academic-industry partnership in driving technological advancements.”