Kavya Swaminathan and Keerthana S, IITians of Madras in the Third round of National College Crossword Contest .

Kavya Swaminathan  of IIT Madras, was on Sunday declared the National Topper of the third scoring round, called C, of the National Inter-College Crossword Expedition (NICE) 2023.   Omkar Joshi of Flame University , Maharastra stood 2nd and Keerthana S of IIT , Madras came 3rd  respectively.

In zonal rankings, while Amritansh Kumar  of Government Engineering College , Patna, (Bihar)  topped the East Zone, Avilasha Kumari  of SD Jain Girl’s college, Dimapur , Nagaland took 1st position in the North East Zone.

Aarush Utkarsh , from IIT Delhi has topped North  while Neha Susan Cherian of IIT, Madras was topper from the South Zone. The West Zone winner is Harshvardhan Tripathi of Acropolis Institute of  Technology and Research, Indore( Madhya Pradesh )

NICE 23 is the second edition of the national contest which was inaugurated last year. It comprises three stages. Stage I is an online individual contest consisting of four rounds. Based on cumulative scores at the end of the 4 online round, participants qualify for Stage II which is an offline team contest. In this stage, five zonal finals are held where qualifying students have to form two-member teams
to represent their institutions. The winners of the zonal finals then converge on the national capital to play the grand finale to claim the national championship trophy.

The contest is being organized by the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi in association with the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE),Mumbai , and Extra-C, a civil society initiative for the promotion  of a holistic educational environment.

The free-of-cost registration will remain open throughout Stage I, which ends on April 30, on www.crypticsingh.com. The official website of Extra-C will also be the hosting platform of Stage I and any other online activities associated with the contest.