Kharif crop sowing is more than 904 lakh hectares

The Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has released progress of area coverage under kharif crops as on 2nd August 2024.

Area: In lakh hactare





Area Sown
2024 2023
1 Paddy 276.91 263.01
2 Pulses 110.61 99.71
a Arhar 41.89 33.27
b Urdbean 25.96 26.21
c Moongbean 31.62 28.15
d Kulthi 0.16 0.20
e Moth bean 7.86 8.90
e Other pulses 3.11 2.99
3 Shree Anna & Coarse Cereals 165.59 160.38
a Jowar 13.53 12.78
b Bajra 62.70 65.99
c Ragi 3.18 3.97
d Small millets 3.93 3.07
e Maize 82.25 74.56
4 Oilseeds 179.69 174.53
a Groundnut 44.06 39.24
b Soybean 123.77 120.51
c Sunflower 0.66 0.55
d Sesamum 9.51 10.07
e Niger 0.23 0.11
f Castor 1.41 4.01
g Other Oilseeds 0.04 0.05
5 Sugarcane 57.68 57.11
6 Jute & Mesta 5.69 6.29
7 Cotton 108.43 118.19
Total 904.60 879.22