King’s College London: International School for Government Hosts European Capitals Programme

The International School for Government last week hosted its executive course “European Capitals: Reforming the UK Public Service”, run in collaboration with Hertie School in Berlin and LUISS Guido Carli for the third consecutive year.

Spanning three days from 6 to 8 September, policymakers from diverse backgrounds were immersed in a range of engaging activities, including thought-provoking lectures, in-depth discussions, interactive seminars, and productive breakout sessions, as well as the opportunity to visit HM Treasury, where they actively participated in policy discussions centred on labour force strategy and the government’s commitment to achieving a net-zero economic plan. The experience allowed attendees to witness the inner workings of government and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in shaping the future of public service.

The course featured academics from King’s College London who covered an array of different topics. Andrew Blick, for example, spoke about historical perspectives on policymaking, while Frans Berkhout discussed climate change policy reforms. Discussions led by Olga Siemers focused on pathways to more effective governance in the digital age, and contributions from Jonathan Portes, Roxana Bratu, and Georgios Samaras covered issues including migration, policy delivery, and the multifaceted challenges posed in the post-Brexit landscape.

The event concluded with Professor Bobby Duffy, representing the Policy Institute, taking the stage to present certificates of achievement to the participants. In his closing remarks, Professor Duffy underscored King’s College London’s commitment to excellence in executive education, which is being further reinforced through the merger of the International School for Government with the Policy Institute.

Attendees, as well as policymakers, gained a great deal throughout their participation in the European Capitals programme, with the course’s combination of academic excellence and practical insights contributing to the growth and professional development of the public service professionals who attended and serving as a vital bridge between the worlds of academia and practical policymaking.