Korea University holds 2023 Entrance Ceremony


Korea University held the 2023 entrance ceremony at the KU Hwajeong Tiger Dome at 10:30 am on March 2, and approximately 7,000 freshmen and parents filled the dome.

President Kim Dong-one opined, “The KU spirit is not a vague and abstract concept or slogan. It is a spirit of splendid altruism, which puts the nation and its people first, formed throughout the history of Korea University. Having started with the founding philosophy of ‘saving the country through education,’ Korea University continues to carry the spirit of altruism that puts society, people, and nation first.” He continued, “The KU spirit is represented by unique affinity and unity that only KU people possess. I’m sure that you will grow into true and genuine KU people through your college life, and become confident protagonists of the future society.” Then President Kim provided advice to the freshmen.

First, think big and aim high (“Think big and have great goals in your heart”)!
He continued, “As the great pioneers and former students did throughout the history of Korea University, I hope you have huge dreams that transcend yourself and care about the nation, the people, the world, and humanity. As a bird flying high sees far away, I encourage you to grow your dreams by imagining a bigger world and a further future. Korea University will actively help you to build great spirit and achieve grand goals.”

Second, be the one asking new questions rather than seeking answers.
President Kim expressed: “The ability of asking new questions comes from creativity that is unique to human beings, and universities are places where this ability of questioning is learned as much as possible. I hope that while attending Korea University you can ask and experiment with new questions that have not been previously raised and dealt with in human history. KU professors including myself will also continue to experiment and explore for a better future with new questions in mind. I’m confident that it will help KU take the lead in opening a new era of university renaissance.”

Finally, “do not be afraid of failure but rather enjoy new projects and adventures.”
President Kim exclaimed, “New projects and adventures are bound to be followed by wandering or failure. College years are a time for goal-seeking and opportunity-taking when countless trial and errors are allowed only because you are young.” He advised: “Do not avoid challenges or adventures simply because you are afraid of failure. Major studies are not everything. The aforementioned KU spirit of altruism that puts others and society first, great spirit, and strong affinity and unity are acquired through various interests, activities, and social experiences transcending major studies. The KU spirit is not automatically internalized in you merely because you have become Korea University students. It will be realized only when you actively work for goals and enjoy them as the subject of your life without being satisfied or complacent with your current lives.” He asked students to participate and take the lead in creating a new history of Korea, so that Korea can move forward to join world leading countries.

After President Kim’s inaugural address, Seung Myung-ho, president of the Korea University Alumni Association, commenced: “I entered Korea University in 1974, but I still vividly remember the moment when I took my first step into the campus, feeling a little nervous but full of dreams and expectations. I hope you also keep your overwhelming hope and excitement that you feel today for a long time.” Then he gave words of advice: “All of you went through a very difficult and arduous preparation years before taking the entrance exam with strong will, patience, and wisdom, and finally have arrived here. Now, you will spend the most precious time of your life here at Korea University. A year in college is such a valuable time equivalent to ten years in your life after graduation. He continued, “Due to the still ongoing pandemic situation, there will be some restrictions or inconveniences in campus life or social activities with other students, but during your precious college years, challenge constantly, love passionately, and demonstrate the spirit of a young tiger fully.”

There was also an entertaining performance presented by KU’s a cappella club, LoGS, to congratulate the entrance of KU freshmen.

In addition, at 10 am, before the main ceremony, which began at 10:30 am, freshmen had a chance to learn Korea University’s powerful and splendid signature cheer from the KU Cheering Squad.