Korea University Receives KRW 100 Million Donation from SEMK CEO Lee Jeong-hak for Library Development

Lee Jeong-hak (Department of Chemistry, entry class of 1979), CEO of SEMK, has generously donated KRW 100 million to the Science and Engineering Library Development Fund to enhance the study environment for students.

On Wednesday, July 17 at 4 PM, Korea University hosted Lee’s Donation Ceremony in the President’s Office at the Main Hall.

Since beginning his philanthropic efforts in 2009, CEO Lee has actively participated in various fundraising initiatives for the university. His contributions include support for the College of Science building construction fund in 2014, the SK Future Hall funding campaigns in 2011 and 2017, and the auditorium funding campaign in 2017. Additionally, he donated KRW 100 million to the College of Science Development Fund in 2019, in this way significantly contributing to Korea University’s development.

During the ceremony, CEO Lee stated, “I hope that students at Korea University will be able to study comfortably in the remodeled Science and Engineering Library and nurture their dreams.” He added, “I wish for them to dedicate themselves to their studies and grow into global talents.”

In response, President Kim Dong-one expressed his gratitude, saying, “I would like to thank CEO Lee Jeong-hak for his generous support of our students.” He further emphasized, “We will make every effort to ensure that the donated funds for the Science and Engineering Library help students develop into collaborative talents who embody the values of our community and take the lead in forming future paradigms.”

The Science and Engineering Library plans to remodel its exterior.