Lecture held on English translations of Qur’an



ALIGARH  : Prof. Abdul Rahim Kidwai, Director Dr. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami Centre for Qur’anic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University held that Orientalists have written hundreds of books which are related to Europe, America, Africa and other regions, however, their writings betray intemperance, revenge, Church’s enmity towards Islam, and plagiarism. A number of english-educated Muslims from Asian countries have translated the holy Qur’an into English, but their renditions failed to get currency in the western world.

Prof Kidwai was delivering a lecture on ‘English Translations of Qur’an’ at the Department of Islamic Studies, AMU.

Describing the brief history of the English translation of the holy Qur’an, Professor Kidwai said that the European libraries and markets are flooded with the translations by Iraqi Jews NJ Dawood Ross, Rudoll, Palmer, Sale, Jones and AJ Arberry. However, it is a matter of satisfaction that Muhammad Pickthall, Muhammad Asad, Ayesha, Abdul Haq and Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi have largely corrected the deficiencies by translating the Qur’an in correct perspective. However, the Pickthall’s translation lacks Arabic text and the footnotes are not arranged.

Praising English translations, Prof. Kidwai said that in most of the translations, Muslims look defensive and apologetic and appear deviated from the common beliefs. A prominent example of such a work is Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation, which was denied printing in Saudi Arabia for a long time and was allowed printing only after many deletion and addition. Unfortunately, this translation has gained credibility in the Muslim world, though these translations are denier of occult sciences and metaphysical world and seem to be priests of pure rationality.

In the question-answer session, Prof Kidwai responded to the queries made by research scholars regarding differences among scholars and religious interpretations regarding the total number of Quranic verses.

In his remarks, Programme Coordinator, Prof. Abdul Majeed Khan urged the students and faculty members to develop high academic calibre to do translation and interpretation of the Qur’an as a life-giving message to humanity.

Dr. Ziauddin Falahi conducted the programme.