LETI Website Brings New Section “Healthcare For International Students”

In this section, international students will be able to find up-to-date information about passing medical examinations and access to PE classes, samples of medical documents for a dormitory, and other useful information.

A new section “Healthcare for International Students” (in Russian) was added to the official website of LETI.

The new section is intended for foreign citizens who have come to Russia to study. In this part of the site, students will be able to learn how to pass the annual medical examination, what documents they will receive after passing it, and where they should provide these certificates. In addition, students will find out where they can undergo dactylography and see samples of documents.

Students will also learn how to get admission for physical education classes and swimming pool visits, medical documents for settling into a dormitory, where to look for medical help, and cases in which you can use voluntary health insurance.

“We have created a separate section on medicine for international students on the website, as it turned out that many of them are not familiar with the rules for providing medical care in Russia. They do not know what to do in case of a disease, places where to turn for help, how to get certain certificates, etc. In general, this section concerns all issues regarding medical care for foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.”

Elena Aksyanova, Head of the Medical Health Center at LETI
This section also contains a memo for sick international students, which contains tips on how to behave in case of an illness and places where to ask for help.