LinkedIn marks its 20th anniversary by spotlighting transformations in the world of work – professionals are firmly in the driver’s seat of their careers

  LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network that revolutionised the way we connect, find jobs and conduct insightful conversations around work, is celebrating its 20th anniversary today. To map how the world of work has transformed over the last 20 years, it conducted new research* on the shift in the attitudes of professionals when it comes to their careers. The research reveals that professionals are showing more agency by taking control of their careers and are not afraid to take non-linear career paths to fulfill their purpose.

Professionals are using skills as building blocks to design their careers

20 years ago, professionals might have decided on their careers based on things like their degrees or where they lived and the proximity of available jobs. Today, professionals are embracing skills over degrees as a way to chart new career paths. LinkedIn research revealed that 76% of professionals in India agree that there is less importance now on degrees being a prerequisite for jobs as compared to 20 years ago. This is due to the shift towards skills-based hiring, with 82% of Indian professionals agreeing that companies are now more comfortable hiring professionals who don’t have relevant work experience but have the right skills.

LinkedIn data** reinforces the importance of learning new skills as skill sets for jobs in India have changed by around 29.63% since 2015. A vast majority of Indian professionals (84%) believe that in the future employers will value professionals with diverse skill sets and experiences over those who are specialised in a certain job function. Upskilling is more important than ever, with 87%  saying it’s more important to continually learn new skills now than it was 20 years ago.

Non-linear career paths and career pivots are on the rise

Gone are the days when people held one job over many decades. As part of the shift towards writing their own career playbooks, professionals are more open to taking career breaks and pursuing non-linear career paths. A majority of Indians (83%) feel that career paths 20 years ago were more straightforward, and the skill sets that were required were more obvious. This is changing as 85% of Indian professionals agree that transferable skills have become more valued and acceptable, as more professionals pursue non-linear career paths.

A vast majority of professionals (84%) are more open to career pivots as compared to 20 years ago. Embarking on a career pivot and switching careers reflects a growing desire to pursue different dream jobs at different stages, with 82% of professionals saying it’s easier to change careers today as compared to 20 years ago.

“Professionals are approaching their careers with a new mindset than they were 20 years ago. Whilst salary is still a key consideration, we’re witnessing a new generation of workers who are more at ease with career twists and turns, refuse to compromise on their values and seek to determine how, when and why they work. They are also realising that just degrees won’t cut it anymore and they have to constantly acquire a diverse set of skills as jobs are rapidly changing. Building a strong network and professional brand with a continued focus on upskilling is now more important than ever to land new opportunities. LinkedIn will continue to play a vital role in helping professionals shape their careers,” says Ashutosh Gupta, LinkedIn India Country Manager.

Professionals want jobs that align with their values

Whilst salary remains important, there is a shift in priorities when searching for a job, as Indian professionals now want to work for companies that align with their values. A majority (87%) believe it is now more important to search for a job and/or work in a company that demonstrates a commitment to the culture and values that they support and believe in compared to 20 years ago. Even during times of economic uncertainty, 88% of Indian professionals prefer to work for an organisation that demonstrates a commitment to the culture and values that is important to them. LinkedIn data*** also reveals that views for jobs mentioning culture witnessed 20% higher growth than postings without any mention of culture.

To help professionals find jobs that align with their values, LinkedIn has introduced a new job search filter so they can easily search for open roles based on an organisation’s commitment to values such as work-life balance, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), career growth and learning, social impact and environmental sustainability. Job seekers can also learn about a company’s commitments on their LinkedIn Page and signal their interest in working there which will spotlight their LinkedIn Profile with hiring managers in LinkedIn’s Recruiter tool.

Networking is key to career success

If you are not actively networking, then you might be losing out on career opportunities. A majority of Indian professionals (84%) believe that a strong network is more critical to career success today than it was 20 years ago. Networking can lead to opportunities and career growth with professionals in India ranking the top benefits of networking as being able to learn from experts (51%), building confidence (47%) and career progression and enhancement (46%).

LinkedIn data**** reveals that there has been a growth in connections on its platform in India from 22.94 connections made per second (Feb 2020 to Jan 2021) to 34.82 connections made per second (Feb 2022 to Jan 2023).

Contrary to some who may believe that people are born networkers, 71% of Indian professionals agree that networking is a skill they can learn and develop over time. It is heartening that more than half of professionals in India (54%) are taking out more time to actively network to build their professional brand. Professionals are also eager to support and share knowledge with each other, with 73% of Indian professionals saying that they are more open to sharing their insights and expertise to help others.