Major New Survey To Identify Inequalities And Scope For Public Service Improvements

The survey, commissioned by The Edinburgh Partnership, will focus on attitudes towards local communities, public transport, employment, education and training, health and wellbeing, and public agencies.

The Edinburgh Partnership, the city’s community planning partnership, brings together public agencies with third and private sector organisations in order to develop joint visions and outcomes to improve quality of life across the city.

The Partnership has commissioned Progressive Partnership, an independent market research company, to carry out a survey of 3500 Edinburgh residents.

The Edinburgh Partnership is a group of fifteen organisations including the University of Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh Council, Police Scotland, NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Affordable Housing Partnership, and Skills Development Scotland.

The survey will take place across the city for a number of weeks from August, with results published in autumn this year. Residents are encouraged to participate to provide insight into the area they live and services they use.

The outcomes of the survey will help inform public service decision making and the steps that The Edinburgh Partnership need to take in order to make a real difference to people’s lives and improve the city and its services.

We recognise our responsibilities as a global university rooted in Edinburgh. With more than 40,000 students, 16,000 staff and many alumni living locally, we form a significant proportion of the community we serve. The Edinburgh Partnership provides a vital role in strengthening and driving the local economy, and ensures that organisations such as ours can make a positive contribution to many educational, social, and cultural aspects of local life. I am pleased we have been able to lead this important piece of research and would encourage all residents who are approached to play their part.

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh
The Edinburgh Partnership strives to help create a city where everyone can share in success; a city where people have enough money to live on, can access jobs, engage in learning or training opportunities, and have a good place to live. While we are ambitious for the city, we know that there is much work yet to be done. The Partnership brings together public agencies, the third sector, and the private sector with communities, for the single purpose of tackling poverty and inequality. By working together, we focus on prevention and early intervention, and through this approach we are working to address the inequalities in our communities. The independent survey aims to gather essential feedback on various aspects of life in the Capital. I strongly encourage any resident that is contacted to give their honest views which will help us identify areas for improvements, as well as information as to what is working well.

Cammy Day
The Edinburgh Partnership Chair and The City of Edinburgh Council Leader