Medical Institute in the Share Your Knowledge Marathon

From September 1 to September 3, a marathon “Share your knowledge” was held in schools in Russia: leading lecturers and successful professionals in their field meet with students of educational institutions.
On September 2, students of the natural science profile of the MOU “Lyceum №1” took part in an open lesson on the topic “Doctor-scientist in the modern world.” The lesson for the children was conducted by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Medical Institute of PetrSU, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology of the Institute of High Biomedical Technologies of PetrSU, Head. Baranov Republican Hospital, chief freelance gastroenterologist, nephrologist, transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karelia O.Yu. Baryshev.

The meeting was held in a dialogue format, issues of professional training of doctors, aspects of the latest medical achievements were discussed.