Ministry of Culture Expands Global Cultural Ties with 78 Countries Through New CEPs

The Ministry of Culture aims at disseminating Indian art and culture in new territories to promote India’s soft power and developing cultural relations between India and other countries by signing Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEPs). The Cultural Exchange Programmes have been signed with 78 countries for collaboration in different areas like music, dance, theatre, museums & science museums, libraries, archives, protection and conservation of historic monuments and archaeological sites, literature, research & documentation, festival anthropology, etc. A list of the Countries with whom Ministry of Culture, Government of India have valid CEPs as of now is given at Annexure-I.

Under the ambit of Cultural Exchange Programmes, Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) have been signed by different Organisations under the aegis of Ministry of Culture for partnership and collaboration with other Countries. The details of such MoUs are given at Annexure-II.

This information was given by Union Minister for Culture and Tourism Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.





List of Countries with whom Ministry of Culture, Government of India has signed Cultural Exchange Programmes

S.No. Countries S.No. Countries


1 Algeria 40 Mali
2 Armenia 41 Mauritius
3 Australia 42 Mexico
4 Bahrain 43 Morocco
5 Bangladesh 44 Netherlands
6 Belarus 45 Norway
7 Benin 46 Oman
8 Bolivia 47 Panama
9 Botswana 48 Peru
10 Brazil 49 Portugal
11 Brunei 50 Romania
12 Bulgaria 51 Russian Federation
13 Cambodia 52 Rwanda
14 Canada 53 Saudi Arabia
15 Chile 54 Senegal
16 China 55 Serbia
17 Colombia 56 Seychelles
18 Comoros 57 Sierra Leone
19 Croatia 58 Slovakia
20 Cuba 59 Slovenia
21 Czech Republic 60 South Africa
22 Denmark 61 South Korea
23 Djibouti 62 Spain
24 Ecuador 63 Sri Lanka
25 Egypt 64 Sudan
26 Ethiopia 65 Suriname
27 Finland 66 Tajikistan
28 France 67 Tanzania
29 Ghana 68 Thailand
30 Guyana 69 Tunisia
31 Hungary 70 Turkmenistan
32 Iceland 71 UAE
33 Italy 72 Uganda
34 Jordan 73 United Kingdom
35 Kazakhstan 74 Uzbekistan
36 Kenya 75 Venezuela
37 Kyrgyzstan 76 Vietnam
38 Lithuania 77 Zambia
39 Maldives 78 Zimbabwe


Annexure II

Details of the active Memorandum of Understanding signed by the organizations of Ministry of Culture, Government of India with corresponding organizations in other countries in respective areas of cooperation

S.NO. Name of Indian Organization Name of the Country


Area of Cooperation
1 2 3 4
Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New Delhi Australia Protection and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Collections




Cambodia To initiate an interactive multimedia project on Angkor Wat temple


Vienna Training workshops in the field of cultural heritage conservation, Joint Research and conservation projects, Internships for students, professionals and teachers


France France-South Asia Digital Library


Thailand Documentation, Conservation and Digitization of Indic Origin Manuscripts preserved in Thailand


Vietnam Documentation, Conservation and Digitization of Indic Origin Manuscripts preserved in Vietnam
Japan Documentation, Conservation and Digitization of Indic Origin Manuscripts preserved in Japan


Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi Egypt Protection and Preservation of Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains


Italy Creating a Network and Sharing Skills for Restoration and Protection of Monuments
USA Cultural Property Agreement Concerning the imposition of import restrictions on categories of Archaeological and Ethnological Material of India
National Archives of India, New Delhi Mozambique Archival Cooperation





Portugal Archival Cooperation
Serbia Archival Cooperation



Saudi Arabia Archival Cooperation


Suriname Archival Cooperation


Iran Archival Cooperation
United Arab Emirates Archival Cooperation
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies (India, Sarnath, Varanasi) Russian Federation Research collaboration




National Gallery of Modern Arts, New Delhi South Korea Loaning of an artwork entitled ‘Basanti’ by eminent artist Mrinalini Mukherjee from the collection of NGMA Delhi for an exhibition at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea from 3rd Sep 2024 to 3rd March 2025.


Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi Nepal Literature
Syria Literature
Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi Croatia To enhance Cultural Relationship between the Fine Arts academicians, creative artists, culture administrators, scholars and intellectuals through the exchange of delegations
National School of Drama, New Delhi Russian Federation To promote academic exchange and cooperation in area such as but not limited to exchange of faculty members and researchers, exchange of students, academic researches, lectures, workshops, forums and joint productions etc.
Russian Federation To promote strengthening and development of cultural and theatrical art co-operation.
  United Kingdom Student Exchange Programme
France To foster exchange of academic and professional staff, researchers and students, and to develop and implement collaborative training and research programs.
Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi Nepal ICH Links-Building- an integrated ICH information sharing platform in the Asia-Pacific region
Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata France To organise a series of 5 Western Classical Music Concerts from November 2024 to March 2025 to promote cultural exchange in the field of music and give a platform to French artists to portray their culture to an Indian audience.