Ministry of Environment Addresses Under-Utilization of CPCB Funds

Under the Environment Protection Charges (EPC) funds, as on May 31, 2024, the total accrued fund is ₹422.56 crore. Out of these funds, ₹234.9 crore have been earmarked against the sanctioned projects.  It also includes projects of ₹ 73.06 crore  which have been kept in abeyance in view of Hon’ble NGT order dated 19.12.2023 in OA no. 638/2023 with OA no. 658/2023. It is also submitted that funds amounting to  ₹ 99.29 crore have since been disbursed under these projects. Funds of ₹187.6 crore is available for utilization. Out of ₹187.6 crore, ₹150 crore is  to be utilised for gap funding support for implementation of activities of city action plans of NCR cities not funded under NCAP and XVFC. The proposal has been submitted to Hon’ble NGT for seeking its concurrence. The status of Environment Protection Charge (EPC) funds as on May 31, 2024 is placed at Annexure-I.

            With regard to Environmental Compensation (EC), CPCB has received a deposit of total amount of Rs.126.76 Crores in the NGT EC 25% account and Rs. 276.96 Crores in the NGT EC 75% account inclusive of bank interest till March 31, 2024 out of this, Rs. 46.25 Crores and Rs. 15.69 Crores have been released till March 31, 2024, respectively. Further, in pursuance of the orders of the Hon’ble NGT in specific cases, 23 specific purpose accounts have been opened. As on March 31, 2024, the total amount deposited in these accounts is Rs. 176 Crores, interest accrued is 17 Crores and amount released is Rs.1.33 Crores.  The status of Environmental Compensation (EC) funds as on March, 31, 2024 is placed at Annexure-II.

List of Projects or studies funded under EPC Funds (as on 31.05.2024) is placed at Annexure-III. Beside scientific studies, utilization of EPC funds have been considered for implementation of on-ground mitigation measures to reduce air pollution at source and accordingly following new areas have been added for funding:

  1. Funding of projects (road construction, paving, procurement of anti-smog guns (ASGs) & Mechanical Road Sweepers (MRSs), etc.) of ULBs/SPCBs
  2. Funding establishment of paddy straw based pelletisation and torrefaction plants
  3. Funding retrofitment /upgradation of DG sets in Government hospitals
  4. Gap funding support for implementation of micro-level action plans in non-attainment cities
  5. Gap funding support for implementation of activities of city action plans of NCR cities not funded NCAP and XVFC. Detailed guidelines for providing funding support to 18 NCR cities have been prepared in line with NCAP model. These have been submitted to Hon’ble NGT for seeking its concurrence.

Details of the projects sanctioned under EPC funds and proposals that are kept in abeyance based on above said areas is annexed at Annexure-IV and Annexure-V.


(Amount in crore)

EPC Funds (As on May 31, 2024)
1. Amount accrued in EPC account ₹ 422.56 crore
2. Committed liabilities for sanctioned projects ₹ 161.86 crore

(Estimated approx.)

3. Amount Disbursed ₹ 99.29 crore
4. Proposals for road construction /repair & paving works and procurement of MRSMs and ASGs, received from 08 agencies in Delhi-NCR, but kept in abeyance in view of Hon’ble NGT order dated 19.12.2023 in the matter under reference, i.e. OA no. 638/2023 with OA no. 658/2023. ₹ 73.06 crore
5. Balance /available funds for utilization (1-2 – 4) ₹ 187.60 crore (44.4%)


(Amount in crore)

EC Funds (As on March 31, 2024)
S.No Environmental Compensation Fund Received Utilized / released Balance
NGT EC 25 % ₹ 126.76 ₹ 46.25 ₹ 80.51
NGT EC 75 % ₹ 276.96 ₹ 15.69 ₹ 260.27
Total ₹ 403.72 ₹ 61.94  341.78
Deposits on 23 specific purpose ₹ 176.0 Cr. &

₹ 17 Cr interest

₹ 1.33 ₹ 191.67


List of Projects or studies funded under EPC Funds (as on 31.05.2024)

S. No. Head
Scientific/technical studies
1 Pilot project to demonstrate the effectiveness of air pollution mitigation by Pariyayantra filtration- MRIIRS
2 Deployment and Evaluation of air purification units for traffic junction pollution abatement in Delhi- NEERI
3 Control of Dust Emissions using dust Suppressant- EPRI
4 Bi-weekly action plan for effective and efficient management of PM2.5 concentrations in the Delhi city- IIT Delhi
5 Multiple antenna high density ion generator for pollution control in New Delhi – STP Pune
6 Impact of Traffic on Asthma amongst School Children in Delhi- IIHMR
7 Monitoring and Evaluation of Ionization based Air Purifying Technology- IIT Delhi
8 Health impact assessment of fire cracker bursting on Diwali & Dusshera- MAMC
9 Ambient air quality monitoring in Meerut and Faridabad by M/s Shriram Institute of Industrial Research – Air Lab
10 Evaluation of Modelling techniques for air quality management in – TERI
11 Estimation of Fuel Losses and Assessment of Air Quality at selected traffic- CRRI
12 Proxy relationship of ultrafine particles number concentration, new particle formation and its growth rate in transport microenvironment in Delhi- DTU
13 Does Poor Air Quality from Crop burning in close proximity to residential areas adversely affects  respiratory health- TERI
14 Delhi air quality experiment: A paradigm shift in source apportionment- IIT Kanpur
15 Delineation of Air Shed for Air Quality Management in Delhi-NCR- NEERI
16 Assessment of contribution of stubble burning in Punjab & Haryana states on air quality- NEERI
17 Air quality impact on travel choice (A-Quit)- TERI SAS
18 Pilot study for assessment of reducing air pollution in urban areas by using outdoor cleaning system (sometimes called as Smog Tower)- IITB, TPL
19 Health impact of firecrackers bursting during Diwali in National Capital of Delhi – MAMC (5 year)
20 Near-real time fire emission estimation and fire forecasting system for Delhi Air Quality- CDAC
Activities related to Field visits
21 Clean Air for Delhi Campaign
22 CPCB field visits for feedback on air polluting activities in Delhi
Laboratory infrastructure projects
23 Up gradation of existing SODAR at CPCB – NPL
24 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDXRF) for Instrumentation Laboratory, CPCB
25 Procurement of Instruments/ equipment for Instrumentation Laboratory, CPCB
26 Strengthening of Lab Infrastructure- Air Laboratory, CPCB
Road dust control projects related to ULBs
27 Proposal of GMC for road maintenance/construction
CAAQMS projects
28 Commissioning of Central Control Room(CCR), Social Media Platform, Sameer App – IT, CPCB
29 Strengthening of Air Quality Monitoring network in Delhi- Air Laboratory, CPCB
30 Expansion of CAAQMS in Haryana and Uttar Pradesh- HSPCB and UPPCB
Palletisation guidelines
31 Grant for Pellet plant

Note: Besides above, EPC funds have been utilised for meeting expenditures towards stipend, meetings/ workshops and other administrative activities.

Annexure –IV

  1. Financial assistance for setting of paddy straw based pellet plant:
    • In case of non-torrefied pellet plant, Financial Assistance of 40% of capital cost (maximum of Rs 28 lakh per TPH plant) with maximum financial support of Rs 1.4 crore per proposal.
    • In case of torrefaction plant, Financial Assistance of 40% of capital cost (maximum of Rs 56 lakh per TPH plant) with maximum financial support of Rs 2.8 crore per proposal.
    • Plants sanctioned – 15 plants sanctioned (13 Punjab, 01 U.P. and 01 Haryana) and 01 plant in-principle approved.
    • Total capacity of 15 sanctioned plants are 58.25 TPH (2.1 lakh tonne pellet/annum) and total cost of 15 sanctioned applications is Rs 14.15 crore, out of which Rs 6.2 crore (approx.) have been released for 06 plant projects.
  2. Financial assistance for retrofitment of DG sets in Government Hospital:
    • 100% funding considered for RECD/dual fuel kits, 40% funding for procurement of new gas based generator sets
    • Proposal received from U.P., Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi. Proposal of U.P and Rajasthan haves been considered while Haryana and Delhi are under consideration.
    • Proposal for retrofitment of 4 DG sets in U.P. sanctioned at a cost of Rs. 19.3 lakhs.
    • In case of Rajasthan, proposal received for 46 nos. of DG sets in 33 hospitals, but none found meeting the criteria.
    • In case of Delhi, confirmation sought from the Health Department and other departments regarding the eligible cases and proposal of Haryana is under consideration.
  3. Funding of infrastructure projects (road construction, paving, procurement of anti- smog guns & road sweepers etc.) to ULBs/SPCBs:
    • 8 road projects approved to Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation (GMC) at a cost of Rs. 13.37 crore, and work is under progress.
    • Procurement of 10 Mechanical Road Sweeping Machines (MRSMs) and 06 Anti-smog guns sanctioned at a cost of Rs. 8.93 crore to UPPCB. Tender process initiated for procurement by ULBs/agencies.
    • 18 road construction/paving works at a cost of Rs. 10.61 crore sanctioned to Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).
    • Total cost of above sanctioned 03 infrastructure projects is Rs. 32.91 crore, out of which Rs. 6.68 crore have been released to GMC.
    • Funds are provided in cases where these proposals are not being considered under any other scheme of Central/ State Government or no matching funds are available.

  1. Gap funding for implementation of micro-level action plans in non-attainment cities:
    • Procurement of 1 no. of Mechanical road sweeping machine (MRSMs) and 5 nos. of anti-smog guns at a cost of Rs. 4.25 crore sanctioned to Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation (GMC).
    • Procurement of 5 no. of Mechanical road sweeping machine (MRSMs) and 5 nos. of anti-smog guns at a cost of Rs. 4.025 crore sanctioned to Municipal Corporation Faridabad (MCF).
    • Procurement of 4 no. of Mechanical road sweeping machine (MRSMs) and 5 nos. of anti-smog guns at a cost of Rs. 5.605 crore sanctioned to New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA Authority).
    • Total cost of above 03 sanctioned projects relating to implementation of micro-level action plans is Rs. 13.88 crore.


Proposals kept in Abeyance

Name of ULB Proposal Sanctioned
Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation 5 Anti-Smog Guns (ASGs)  at a cost of Rs 2.25 crore
Municipal Corporation Faridabad 5 Mechanical Road Sweeping Machines (MRSMs) and 5 ASGs at a cost of Rs 4.025 crore

12 km road construction/repair works and 8 km paving works at a cost of Rs 27.1 crore

Meerut Municipal Corporation 14 km road construction/repair works at a cost of Rs 20 crore
New Delhi Municipal Corporation 5 MRSMs at a cost of Rs 14.3 crore
4 ULBs/landowning agencies in UP 6 MRSMs and 4 ASGs at a cost of Rs 5.392 crore


Total Rs. 73.067 crores