Ministry of Labour & Employment shares eShram data with State Governments and Central Ministries


Ministry of Labour & Employment launched e-Shram portal on 26.08.2021 to create a comprehensive National database of unorganised/migrant workers. The registration on e-Shram is on self-declaration basis for all the unorganised/migrant workers of the Country. As on 14.03.2023, over 28.66 crore unorganised workers have registered on e-Shram portal.

In order to facilitate benefit of social security schemes to the eShram registrants, e-Shram portal is integrated with Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan (PM-SYM) portal. E Shram registrants can seamlessly take benefits of PMSYM pension scheme through this integration. The e-Shram portal is also integrated with National Career Service (NCS) Portal. The e Shram registrants can seamlessly register on NCS portal and search for suitable job opportunities.

The data sharing of e Shram with the State/ UT Governments has been initiated which will facilitate targeted delivery and monitoring of the social security/welfare schemes implemented by the respective State/UT Governments. Further, data sharing guidelines with Central Ministries/ Departments has also been issued on 02.03.23 for exchange of eShram data with Central Ministries/ Departments for monitoring and targeted delivery of Welfare Schemes.