Ministry Releases Annual Report on Road Accidents in India: Data from 2018-2022 Revealed

The ministry publishes “Road Accidents in India” annually based on data received from Police Departments of States/ UTs. As per the report, the total number of road accidents, fatalities and persons injured in the country from calendar year 2018 to 2022 is given in the table below : –

Year Total No. of Road Accidents Total No. of Fatalities Total No. of Persons Injured
2018 4,70,403 1,57,593 4,64,715
2019 4,56,959 1,58,984 4,49,360
2020 3,72,181 1,38,383 3,46,747
2021 4,12,432 1,53,972 3,84,448
2022 4,61,312 1,68,491 4,43,366

State-wise details of total number of road accidents, fatalities and persons injured in the country from calendar year 2018 to 2022 are annexed as per Annexure – I, Annexure – II and Annexure – III respectively.

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways is mandated with the task of constructing and maintaining National Highways and National Expressways in the country. Based on the data received from Police Department of States/ UTs, total number of road accidents and fatalities on National Highways (including Expressways) in the country for the calendar year 2022 is given below: –

Category All Roads National Highways (Including Expressways) % Share of National Highways (including Expressways)
No. of Road Accidents 4,61,312 1,51,997 32.94
No. of Fatalities 1,68,491 61,038 36.22


Ministry has formulated a multi-pronged strategy to address the issue of road safety based on Education, Engineering (both of roads and vehicles), Enforcement and Emergency Care. Accordingly, various initiatives have been taken by the Ministry for road safety as detailed at Annexure-IV.


State-wise details of Road Accidents for the Calendar Year 2018-2022
S. No. States/UTs 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Andhra Pradesh 24,475 21,992 19,509 21,556 21,249
2 Arunachal Pradesh 277 237 134 283 227
3 Assam 8,248 8,350 6,595 7,411 7,023
4 Bihar 9,600 10,007 8,639 9,553 10,801
5 Chhattisgarh 13,864 13,899 11,656 12,375 13,279
6 Goa 3,709 3,440 2,375 2,849 3,011
7 Gujarat 18,769 17,046 13,398 15,186 15,751
8 Haryana 11,238 10,944 9,431 9,933 10,429
9 Himachal Pradesh 3,110 2,873 2,239 2,404 2,597
10 Jharkhand 5,394 5,217 4,405 4,728 5,175
11 Karnataka 41,707 40,658 34,178 34,647 39,762
12 Kerala 40,181 41,111 27,877 33,296 43,910
13 Madhya Pradesh 51,397 50,669 45,266 48,877 54,432
14 Maharashtra 35,717 32,925 24,971 29,477 33,383
15 Manipur 601 672 432 366 508
16 Meghalaya 399 482 214 245 246
17 Mizoram 53 62 53 69 133
18 Nagaland 430 358 500 746 489
19 Odisha 11,262 11,064 9,817 10,983 11,663
20 Punjab 6,428 6,348 5,203 5,871 6,138
21 Rajasthan 21,743 23,480 19,114 20,951 23,614
22 Sikkim 180 162 138 155 211
23 Tamil Nadu 67,279 62,685 49,844 55,682 64,105
24 Telangana 22,230 21,570 19,172 21,315 21,619
25 Tripura 552 655 466 479 575
26 Uttarakhand 1,468 1,352 1,041 1,405 1,674
27 Uttar Pradesh 42,568 42,572 34,243 37,729 41,746
28 West Bengal 12,705 12,658 10,863 11,937 13,686
29 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 254 230 141 115 141
30 Chandigarh 316 305 159 208 237
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 80 68 100 140 196
32 Daman & Diu 76 69      
33 Delhi 6,515 5,610 4,178 4,720 5,652
34 Jammu & Kashmir $ 5,978 5,796 4,860 5,452 6,092
35 Ladakh       236 374
36 Lakshadweep 3 1 1 4 3
37 Puducherry 1,597 1,392 969 1,049 1,181
Total (All India) 4,70,403 4,56,959 3,72,181 4,12,432 4,61,312
  • Includes data of Daman & Diu for the Year 2020 to 2022.
  • $ Includes data of Ladakh for the Year 2018 to 2020.


State-wise details of fatalities due to Road Accidents for the Calendar Year 2018-2022
S. No. States/UTs 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Andhra Pradesh 7,556 7,984 7,039 8,186 8,293
2 Arunachal Pradesh 175 127 73 157 148
3 Assam 2,966 3,208 2,629 3,036 2,994
4 Bihar 6,729 7,205 6,699 7,660 8,898
5 Chhattisgarh 4,592 5,003 4,606 5,371 5,834
6 Goa 262 297 223 226 271
7 Gujarat 7,996 7,390 6,170 7,452 7,618
8 Haryana 5,118 5,057 4,507 4,706 4,915
9 Himachal Pradesh 1,208 1,146 893 1,052 1,032
10 Jharkhand 3,542 3,801 3,044 3,513 3,898
11 Karnataka 10,990 10,958 9,760 10,038 11,702
12 Kerala 4,303 4,440 2,979 3,429 4,317
13 Madhya Pradesh 10,706 11,249 11,141 12,057 13,427
14 Maharashtra 13,261 12,788 11,569 13,528 15,224
15 Manipur 134 156 127 110 127
16 Meghalaya 182 179 144 187 162
17 Mizoram 45 48 42 56 113
18 Nagaland 39 26 53 55 73
19 Odisha 5,315 5,333 4,738 5,081 5,467
20 Punjab 4,740 4,525 3,898 4,589 4,756
21 Rajasthan 10,320 10,563 9,250 10,043 11,104
22 Sikkim 85 73 47 56 92
23 Tamil Nadu 18,392 18,129 14,527 15,384 17,884
24 Telangana 6,603 6,964 6,882 7,557 7,559
25 Tripura 213 239 192 194 241
26 Uttarakhand 1,047 867 674 820 1,042
27 Uttar Pradesh 22,256 22,655 19,149 21,227 22,595
28 West Bengal 5,711 5,767 5,128 5,800 6,002
29 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 19 20 14 20 19
30 Chandigarh 98 104 53 96 83
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 54 49 64 76 90
32 Daman & Diu 35 28      
33 Delhi 1,690 1,463 1,196 1,239 1,461
34 Jammu & Kashmir $ 984 996 728 774 805
35 Ladakh       56 62
36 Lakshadweep 1 0 0 1 2
37 Puducherry 226 147 145 140 181
Total (all India) 1,57,593 1,58,984 1,38,383 1,53,972 1,68,491
  • Includes data of Daman & Diu for the Year 2020 to 2022.
  • $ Includes data of Ladakh for the Year 2018 to 2020.


State-wise details of Injuries due to Road Accidents for the Calendar Year 2018-2022
S. No. State 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Andhra Pradesh 23456 24619 19675 21040 21340
2 Arunachal Pradesh 323 309 185 347 186
3 Assam 7375 7473 5269 5763 5637
4 Bihar 6679 7206 7016 7946 7068
5 Chhattisgarh 12715 13090 10505 10683 11695
6 Goa 1549 1448 880 843 1091
7 Gujarat 17467 16258 12002 13690 15089
8 Haryana 10020 9362 7659 8121 8519
9 Himachal Pradesh 5551 4904 3223 3454 4063
10 Jharkhand 3975 3818 3295 3227 3747
11 Karnataka 51562 50447 39492 40754 48154
12 Kerala 45458 46055 30510 36775 49307
13 Madhya Pradesh 54662 52816 46456 48956 55168
14 Maharashtra 31365 28628 19914 23071 27239
15 Manipur 1042 1055 663 504 817
16 Meghalaya 205 222 220 263 310
17 Mizoram 80 56 68 65 107
18 Nagaland 335 246 286 380 291
19 Odisha 11794 11177 8822 9782 10302
20 Punjab 3384 3812 2904 3072 3324
21 Rajasthan 21547 22979 16769 19344 22293
22 Sikkim 370 318 218 244 354
23 Tamil Nadu 69834 63132 47618 55996 67703
24 Telangana 23613 21999 18661 20107 20209
25 Tripura 741 816 470 547 541
26 Uttarakhand 1571 1457 854 1091 1613
27 Uttar Pradesh 29664 28932 22410 24897 28541
28 West Bengal 11997 11761 9715 10454 12843
29 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 260 207 145 97 136
30 Chandigarh 300 275 148 172 203
31 Dadra & Nagar Haveli * 66 105 119 171 273
32 Daman & Diu 94 74      
33 Delhi 6086 5152 3662 4273 5201
34 Jammu & Kashmir $ 7845 7532 5894 6972 8372
35 Ladakh       242 346
36 Lakshadweep 3 1 1 6 2
37 Puducherry 1727 1619 1019 1099 1282
Total 4,64,715 4,49,360 3,46,747 3,84,448 4,43,366
  • Includes data of Daman & Diu for the Year 2020 to 2022.
  • $ Includes data of Ladakh for the Year 2018 to 2020.


Details of various initiatives taken by the Ministry to address the issue of Road Safety: –

  1. Education:
  1. Ministry administers Road Safety Advocacy Scheme to provide financial assistance to various agencies for raising awareness about road safety and for administering road safety programs.
  2. Observance of National Road Safety Month/Week every year for spreading awareness and strengthening road safety.
  3. Ministry administers a scheme for setting up of Institutes of Driving Training & Research (IDTRs), Regional Driving Training Centres (RDTCs) and Driving Training Centres (DTCs) at state/district level across the Country.


  1. Engineering :

2.1 Road engineering:

      1. Road Safety Audit (RSA) of all National Highways (NHs) has been made mandatory through third party auditors/ experts at all stages i.e. design, construction, operation and maintenance etc.
      2. High priority is accorded to identification and rectification of black spots /accident spots on NHs.
      3. Road Safety Officer (RSO) has been designated at each Regional Office of road owning agencies under the Ministry to look after RSA and other road safety related works. RSO of each RO has been mandated to submit road worthiness certificate of National Highway under their jurisdiction biannually.
      4. Ministry administers the electronic Detailed Accident Report (e-DAR) Project to establish a central repository for reporting, management and analysis of road accidents data across the Country.
      5. Ministry has issued guidelines for the provision of signages on Expressways and National Highways to offer improved visibility and intuitive guidance to the drivers.
      6. Provisions have been made in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for failure to comply with standards for the road design, construction and maintenance, as prescribed by the Central Government from time to time.


    1. Vehicle engineering:

Ministry has taken various initiatives to make vehicles safer, including the following:-

      1. Mandatory provision of an airbag for the passenger seated on the front seat of a vehicle, next to the driver.
      2. Prescribed norms related to safety measures for children below four years of age, riding or being carried on a motor cycle. It also specifies use of a safety harness, crash helmet and restricts speed to 40kmph.
      3. Mandatory provisions for fitment of following listed safety technologies: –


For M1 category vehicles:

  • Seat Belt Reminder (SBR) for driver and co-driver.
  • Manual Override for central locking system
  • Over speed warning system.

For all M and N category vehicles:

  • Reverse Parking Alert System
      1. Mandated Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) for certain classes of L [Motor vehicle with less than four wheels and includes a Quadricycle], M [Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for carrying passengers] and N [Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used for carrying goods which may also carry persons in addition to goods, subject to conditions stipulated in BIS standards] categories.
      2. Mandated speed limiting function/speed limiting device in all transport vehicles, except for two wheelers, three wheelers, quadricycles, fire tenders, ambulances and police vehicles.
      3. Published the rules for recognition, regulation and control of Automated Testing Stations, which define the procedure for fitness testing of vehicles through automated equipment and the procedure for grant of fitness certificate by ATSs. The rules have been further amended on 31.10.2022 and 14.03.2024.
      4. Formulated the Vehicle Scrapping Policy based on incentives/dis-incentives and for creating an ecosystem to phase out old, unfit and polluting vehicles.
      5. A Scheme to set up one model Inspection & Certification Centre in each State/UT with Central assistance for testing the fitness of vehicles through an automated system.
      6. Published rules regarding the Bharat New Car Assessment Program (BNCAP) to introduce the concept of safety rating of passenger cars and empower consumers to take informed decisions.
      7. Published rules regarding prescribed level playing field in the area of manufacturing of buses by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Bus Body Builders.
      8. Mandated vehicles, manufactured on or after 1st October, 2025, shall be fitted with an air-conditioning system for the cabin of vehicles of N2 (goods vehicle with gross vehicle weight exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12.0 tonnes) and N3 (goods vehicle with gross vehicle weight exceeding 12.0 tonnes) category.
  1. Enforcement:
    1. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 as stands implemented provides for strict penalties for ensuring compliance and enhancing deterrence for violation of traffic rules and strict enforcement through use of technology.
    2. Ministry has issued rules for Electronic Monitoring and Enforcement of Road Safety. The rules specify the detailed provisions for placement of electronic enforcement devices on high risk & high density corridors on National Highways, State Highways and critical junctions in Million plus cities in India and cities under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP).
    3. Ministry on 10th June, 2024 has issued an advisory to all the States and Union territories on technological interventions for ensuring compliance with Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
  2. Emergency care:
    1. Ministry has for the protection of Good Samaritan, who in good faith, voluntarily and without expectation of any reward or compensation renders emergency medical or non-medical care or assistance at the scene of an accident to the victim or transports such victim to the hospital.
    2. Ministry has enhanced compensation of victims of Hit and Run motor accidents (from Rs. 12,500 to Rs. 50,000 for grievous hurt and from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 for death).
    3. The National Highways Authority of India has made provisions for ambulances with paramedical staff/Emergency Medical Technician/Nurse at toll plazas on the completed corridor of National Highways.
    4. Ministry along with National Health Authority (NHA), has implemented a pilot program for providing cashless treatment to victims of road accidents in Chandigarh and Assam.