MIT ADT University has partnered with Skill Lync, an Indian engineering startup, to deliver an online M.Tech degree

 Y Combinator backed, Chennai headquartered Ed-Tech startup ‘Skill-Lync’ announces their partnership with MIT ADT University, Pune., helping engineering students gain an M.Tech degree from a reputed institute and in addition develop their professional skills through industry-oriented projects at Skill-Lync. There are 18 seats per course, for these programs and Skill-Lync with MIT ADT University will provide a Master’s degree in these following 4 courses:

  • M.Tech degree in Design,
  • M.Tech degree in CAD/CAM,
  • M.Tech degree in Robotics & Mechatronics,
  • M.Tech degree in CFD

These two-year courses cost Rs. 67,500/- per semester for 4 semesters.

This collaborative programme will give a plethora of opportunities for students as they will get both hands-on experience and tool knowledge. The first two semesters i.e., the first year, will be held at MIT ADT University in Pune, providing the students with laboratory exposure; and the second year or the next two semesters will be conducted online, where students will take up 5 Skill-Lync courses and work on industry-oriented projects present in those courses to attain software/tool knowledge. The projects will not only enrich their thesis and help with their better understanding of all the course subjects but also enable them to get higher paid jobs after graduation as they will attain industry-experience along with an M.Tech degree.

Commenting on the partnership, Sarangarajan V, Co-Founder & CTO, Skill-Lync said, This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for engineering students planning to pursue their post-graduation, as this programme enables them to get enrolled into an Mtech degree course from a reputed university and it will also help them attain industry-grade exposure with the courses offered by Skill-Lync. It is a 2 in 1 course providing students with a win-win opportunity

“Skill-Lync believes in imparting quality education and with this MTech degree course in partnership with MIT  ADT University, Pune—The students have endless possibilities in front of them as they get the best in class theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on exposure. They can now get higher paid jobs after graduation because they will be getting an M.Tech degree along with industry experience through the project based learning provided by Skill-Lync courses.” said Suryanarayanan P, Co-Founder & CEO, Skill-Lync,”

Skill-Lync was officially founded in April 2018 by Suryanarayanan P(CEO) and Sarangarajan V(CTO). They both had their first hand impact due to the lack of quality and application-based learning in the Indian undergraduate education system. To curb this problem, Skill-Lync was launched as a YouTube channel which shared engineering tips, and today it is a platform that provides advanced engineering courses. It provides different types of courses, ranging from one-off modules to full-time curriculums.

The startup is backed by global investors including YCombinator, Founder of Gmail & YC Partner – Paul Buchheit and founder of Better Capital Vaibhav Domkundwar.