Monash submission on proposed overseas students bill

Monash University has made a submission to the Senate Committee Inquiry into the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 [Provisions].

The Monash submission outlines concerns about the future direction of Australia’s international education sector, as set out in the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework and the subsequent ESOS Amendment Bill currently before the House of Representatives.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Sharon Pickering, said the University’s submission to the Government included specific recommendations for amendments to the ESOS Amendment Bill that offer a consistent legislative requirement to manage sustainable international student growth across universities, while focusing on high-risk operators.

“We welcome the opportunity to contribute to the current Senate Inquiry, and encourage the Committee to give due consideration to our suggested amendments,” said Professor Pickering.

“Our suggested amendments strike the right balance between ensuring the integrity and managed growth of international education and protecting the reputation and economic and societal value of high quality public universities.

“National planning to achieve sustainable growth of international student enrolments at universities will be most effective through strengthening the existing regulatory framework and negotiating targets through agreements with individual universities.

“We want to ensure the reputation of Australian education in the region is protected, and that our long and proud history of international education and the great social, cultural and economic benefits continue. As a result we have made a series of recommendations that will serve to limit the unintended consequences of the proposed changes on the sector and on the broader Australian economy and reputation.

“We need to ensure we get these critical reforms right.”

To view the submission, please click here.