Nagoya University Honors Overseas Alumni Contributions at October Reception and Ceremony

Nagoya University recognized the contributions made by three members of its overseas alumni at a reception and ceremony on October 18 and 19.

Organized by the Nagoya University Alumni Association, the yearly event celebrates contributions to internationalization made by Nagoya University alumni who came to the university from overseas and have gone on to exceptional international careers. Recognized this year were Dr. Amarsanaa Batbold, from Mongolia, Dean of the School of Law at National University of Mongolia; Dr. Md. Abul Kashem, from Bangladesh, Chief Scientific Officer and Director of the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Institute of Mining, Mineralogy, and Metallurgy, and treasurer of the Bangladesh branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association; and Dr. Siriporn Wajjwalku, from Thailand, Professor of Political Science at Thammasat University and Chair of the Thailand branch of the Nagoya University Alumni Association.

The alumni were welcomed on the evening of Friday October 18 by Nagoya University President Naoshi Sugiyama, Alumni Association Chairman Masaharu Shibata, and Vice President in charge of International Affairs Norimi Mizutani. They gave speeches, after which a reception was held for alumni and faculty to catch up after many years.



The following day, Saturday October 19, a ceremony was held to officially recognize the alumni and their contributions. October 19th was also Homecoming Day, the annual event that celebrates alumni with events across the campus.