Nanjing University Holds 2024 Undergraduate Enrollment Mobilization Meeting

In order to further promote the implementation of the work requirements of “selecting good seedlings and continuously improving the quality of top innovative talents” in the “Action Plan for the Cultivation of Top Undergraduate Innovative Talents” of the “Forging Ahead Action”, we will carry out this year’s undergraduate admissions work with an enterprising attitude and achieve a “full house” of undergraduate admissions. On June 19, Nanjing University’s 2024 undergraduate admissions mobilization meeting was held in the lecture hall of the Duxia Library. More than 300 admissions group leaders and admissions backbones from various provinces, cities and regions attended the meeting. Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the University, attended the meeting and made a mobilization speech. Chen Lin, Director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office, presided over the meeting.

In his speech, Lu Xiancai first affirmed the “special red” results achieved in undergraduate enrollment last year. He said that the undergraduate enrollment team of Nanjing University has gradually expanded, and regular enrollment publicity has become a trend. Local key middle schools, education examination departments, news media and alumni have all gathered together, and undergraduate enrollment has been stable and rising. All this is due to the joint efforts of Nanjing University’s enrollment staff. Then, he put forward five requirements for this year’s undergraduate enrollment. The first is to further improve the political stance. Enrollment work is the source project of building the “first Nanjing University”, and the quality of students is the primary guarantee for improving the quality of talent training. The second is to further clarify the work goals. Enrollment workers should fully grasp the enrollment policies of various provinces, seek breakthroughs in stability, and achieve a “full house” of undergraduate enrollment. The third is to further tell the “Nanjing University story” well. As teachers and students of NTU, we must enhance our perception of NTU’s history and reality, highlight NTU’s advantages in cultivating talents in basic disciplines and interdisciplinary disciplines, give full play to the advantages of the 14 2.0 bases for cultivating outstanding students in basic disciplines and dual degree programs such as the Computer Finance Experimental Class, the German and Law Experimental Class, the Intelligent System Integration Experimental Class, and the Big Data and Communication Experimental Class, and respond to the actual concerns of candidates and parents through specific cases. Fourth, further strengthen the joint efforts in enrollment. We must firmly establish the awareness that “the whole school is a chess game” in undergraduate enrollment work, strengthen the coordination and linkage between various departments of the school, and continuously improve the cohesion and coordination of undergraduate enrollment work through unity, cooperation and joint efforts. Fifth, further strengthen the bottom line of enrollment. The undergraduate enrollment work leading group of the college and department should directly lead and command in advance, provide policy and conditions support for the development of undergraduate enrollment work, and ensure the quality of students and the smooth development of enrollment work in the responsible area.

At the meeting, Pan Bai, director of the Teaching Operation Service Center of the Undergraduate School, briefly analyzed the terminology of undergraduate talent training and gave a detailed explanation of talent training at the Suzhou campus. Dean Yu Honghai of the School of Engineering Management, Teacher Shang Keke of the School of Journalism and Communication, and Deputy Director Zhang Yi of the English Department of the School of Foreign Languages ​​respectively introduced the dual degree program in industrial engineering and automation of the intelligent system integration experimental class, the dual degree program in information management and information systems and journalism of the big data communication experimental class, and the characteristics and advantages of the English major. Chen Lin, director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office of the Undergraduate School, interpreted Nanjing University’s undergraduate admissions policy for 2024 and analyzed the admissions situation in provinces that have implemented the new college entrance examination reform this year. Finally, Li Hao, director of the Party Committee’s Student Affairs Department, encouraged each admissions group to continue to make precise efforts in the subsequent admissions publicity work and strive to push Nanjing University’s undergraduate admissions work to a new level.

It is reported that starting from June 19, more than 50 enrollment teams and more than 1,000 teachers and students from the school will go to various parts of the country to carry out enrollment consultation and publicity work for the 2024 college entrance examination application.