Nanjing University Holds First 2024 Meeting of Suzhou Campus Construction and Development Leading Group

On May 31, the school held the first meeting of the Nanjing University Suzhou Campus Construction and Development Leading Group in 2024. Tan Tianniu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Tan Zhemin, President and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

Tan Tianniu presided over the meeting. In his speech, he put forward five requirements for further unifying thoughts and understandings and continuously promoting the construction and development of Suzhou Campus: First, deeply understand the new situation and new tasks facing the construction and development of Suzhou Campus. At present, Suzhou Campus has shifted from construction to a new stage of equal emphasis on construction and use, and both the external and internal environments are undergoing profound changes. Faced with the new situation and new challenges of campus development, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various undertakings and major tasks of campus development. Second, firmly grasp the development goals and positioning of Suzhou Campus. The core positioning of Suzhou Campus is to develop new engineering disciplines. It is necessary to adhere to the “three ones, three similarities, and three avoidances”, take “three improvements and one enrichment” as the basis for action, allocate resources according to the development logic of new engineering disciplines, and be committed to serving national strategies and supporting local economic development. Third, vigorously promote reform and innovation of systems and mechanisms. To implement new concepts and new practices, we must start with emancipating our minds and breaking through conventions, take measures and practices that are more in line with the development positioning of Suzhou Campus and more adaptable to new situations and new challenges, and further straighten out the relationship between all parties. Fourth, always adhere to the concept of system. Suzhou Campus is still in the initial stage of construction and development. It is inevitable that there will be many problems and contradictions. We must start from a systematic concept, focus on the overall situation of the country, the overall situation of the school, and the long-term situation of history, always bear in mind the “big things of the country”, enhance historical initiative, and comprehensively consider various undertakings. Fifth, take responsibility and implement various tasks in detail. We must work together to build the connotation of Suzhou Campus, promote it in a coordinated manner, enhance the sense of initiative and responsibility, implement the school’s resolutions with a high sense of responsibility, and build a good Suzhou Campus.

Tan Zhemin fully affirmed the preliminary work carried out by the relevant departments and put forward three opinions on specific work. First, we must promote the implementation of discipline planning and fully consider the connotation of disciplines, social needs, talent training and other issues. Discipline construction is related to the quality and reputation of school development. We must improve the internal evaluation mechanism of discipline development, take discipline leaders as the starting point, and enhance the connotation of discipline construction. We must consider social needs and closely connect with the strategic needs and industrial layout of Suzhou City. We must consider undergraduate majors, enrollment plans, and employment issues in talent training as a package to cultivate outstanding talents for the country. Second, pay attention to the stage of campus development and use more wisdom to deal with various complex situations in the initial stage of the campus. Third, we must improve the financial management model of the Suzhou campus, create new policies, and make full financial plans. All departments must work together, complement each other, optimize and improve various work plans as soon as possible, establish a flexible working mechanism, implement them well, and promote greater achievements of the Suzhou campus.

School leaders Chen Yunsong, Zheng Hairong, Wang Zhenlin, Lu Yanqing, Lu Xiancai, Suo Wenbin and Li Bin attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the leading group studied and reviewed the “Five-Year Plan for Discipline Construction of Suzhou Campus of Nanjing University (2024-2028)” reported by Wang Wei, Director of the Discipline Office, and Gu Gongliang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Suzhou Campus, listened to the report on the progress of personnel and talent work of Suzhou Campus by Miao Feng, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department (in charge of work), and reviewed the allocation plan of experimental office space in the Science and Technology Building of Suzhou Campus made by Chen Luhong, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department and Director of the Scientific Research Office of Suzhou Campus. The participants had a full discussion on various topics. The heads of the member units of the leading group attended the meeting, and the heads of various management agencies of Suzhou Campus attended the meeting.