Nanjing University Hosts 2nd Freshman Drama Festival

On the evening of May 26, 2024, the second freshman drama festival of Nanjing University, “Forging Ahead·Vanguard”, came to an end. Written and created by students from seven colleges of the Freshman College, with the school history training course as professional support, a total of 4 immersive short plays and 12 “great teachers and alumni” plays were produced to celebrate the 122nd anniversary of Nanjing University.

On the day of the premiere of the play “The Great Master”, Hu Jinbo, consultant to the National Chief Inspector, executive deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and former secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University, Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of Nanjing University , Cheng Lizhe, daughter of Mr. Cheng Qianfan , and leaders of relevant colleges and departments such as Wu Youxun Science and Education Museum in Gao’an City, Jiangxi Province, and Nanjing University ‘s Undergraduate School, Freshman College, and Library came to the scene to watch the wonderful performance with hundreds of teachers, students, and alumni.

In memory of the great masters, the plays such as “It’s Good to Come”, “Returning Home”, “The School is Open and Teaching in the Southeast”, “The Style of the Master”, “Dai Dehongdao, Stabilizing the Country and the People”, “Yu Xiu Zhongling, All Things are Spring”, “Where the Malan Flower Blooms”, and “Asteroid 2752” were performed on the stage of the Great Hall. The four original immersive plays led by Anbang Academy, “The Story of Film – In Memory of Mr. Sun Mingjing”, “A Century of Resonance – In Memory of Mr. Li Shutong”, “Standing on the Same Land – In Memory of Ms. Pearl S. Buck”, and “The Voice of the Years – In Memory of Mr. Yu Guangzhong” were performed in the classrooms of Gulou Campus, the School History Museum, the Pearl S. Buck Memorial Hall, and the lawn of the North Building. During the performance, the images of “great masters” such as Cheng Qianfan, Guo Bingwen, Tao Xingzhi, Wu Youxun, Gu Yuxiu, Dai Anbang, Cheng Kaijia, and Wu Jianxiong, who came out of Nanjing University, were performed by the “college students” of the Freshman College, carrying courage and ideals, leaping on the stage across time and space, and won the audience’s applause.

It is reported that the preparation for this year’s drama festival has been polished for nearly six months, and the wonderful plays will be performed for two consecutive weeks. Students from different colleges and majors feel, understand and appreciate the art of drama through creation, performance, and viewing, and realize the cross-disciplinary integration and aesthetic education vision in watching, creating, and acting, and improve their creative ability and sense of cooperation. The theme of the drama festival “Forging Ahead·Forerunner” is homophonic with “Xiansheng”, which is a deepening exploration of the aesthetic education path of campus red drama in the first “Youth·Echo” Freshman Drama Festival in 2023. It aims to leverage the creativity and appeal of drama, and guide the freshmen of our school to feel the spirit of the great master, actively trace the history and culture of the school, and continue the red blood of Nanjing University in the way of “seeking-speaking-performing-understanding”, so as to resonate endogenously and experience growth in the self-created “Drama Ideological and Political Course”.