Nanjing University Hosts Delegation Led by China Logistics Group’s Li Xiangyang

On the afternoon of June 18, 2024, Li Xiangyang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Logistics Group, and his delegation visited Nanjing University. Yang Zhong, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University, met with the guests, and the two sides had in-depth exchanges on expanding future strategic cooperation. Yu Honghai, Dean of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, presided over this cooperation exchange meeting.

Yang Zhong welcomed Li Xiangyang and his delegation on behalf of the university. He said that Nanjing University has the unique advantage of comprehensive liberal arts and sciences, has always attached importance to the cross-integration of natural sciences and humanities and social sciences, and has strongly supported the incubation and cultivation of interdisciplinary and emerging disciplines, forming a good atmosphere conducive to the comprehensive and coordinated development of liberal arts and sciences. The university has always regarded the cultivation of high-level talents as the center and foundation of its development, and briefly introduced the latest progress of Nanjing University in scientific research and social services. He expects both parties to give full play to their respective advantages, deepen the synergy and cooperation between industry, academia and research on the basis of existing cooperation, and jointly create a new model of cooperation that integrates science and education and industry and education.

Li Xiangyang highly appreciated Nanjing University’s educational philosophy and talent training achievements, and introduced the background, resource endowment, and business sectors of China Logistics Group. He pointed out that China Logistics Group is committed to becoming a “world-class comprehensive modern logistics enterprise group with global competitiveness” with the mission of serving modern circulation and safeguarding the national economy and people’s livelihood. It is hoped that on the basis of the successful cooperation of “China Storage and Intelligent Transportation” in the past ten years, a closer and deeper cooperative relationship will be established with Nanjing University in the next ten years, and the integrated development of industry, academia, and research will be jointly promoted in terms of scientific and technological innovation and talent training, so as to create a new model of school-enterprise cooperation. Li Xiangyang suggested that the strategic framework of cooperation between the two sides should be clarified and a list of specific tasks should be drawn up.

Yao Lijun, General Manager of the Human Resources Department (Organization Department of the Party Committee) of China Logistics Group Co., Ltd., Zhang Hui, General Manager of the Science and Technology Innovation Department, Dai Qingfu, Chairman of China Storage Intelligent Transportation Technology Co., Ltd., Gao Fengtong, General Manager of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Division of China Logistics Co., Ltd., Liu Yunfei, Assistant to the President of China Storage Intelligent Transportation Technology Co., Ltd., as well as Chen Zhiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, Zhou Jianfeng, Deputy Director of the Office of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Achievement Transformation, Sun Jian, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department, Wu Kai, Deputy Director of the Professional Degree Office of the Graduate School, Chen Caihua, Vice Dean of the School of Engineering Management, Liu Huimin and Associate Professor Li Jingquan jointly participated in the cooperative discussion.