Nanjing University: Jiangsu Capital Market Advances High-Quality Development at Conference and Fifth Member Representative Meeting

The Jiangsu Capital Market High-Quality Development Conference and the Fifth Member Representative Conference of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association were successfully held at the International Conference Center of Nanjing University on June 15, 2024. Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Nanjing University, and Cheng Caixia, member of the Party Leadership Group and Secretary-General of Jiangsu Federation of Social Sciences, delivered speeches at the conference. The meeting was chaired by Liu Haifei, Secretary-General of the Fourth Council of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association.

On behalf of Nanjing University, Lu Xiancai congratulated the successful convening of the conference. He pointed out that the high-quality development of the capital market is not only an important support for achieving economic structural transformation, but also a key force in promoting the innovation-driven development strategy. Scholars in the financial field of Nanjing University have long conducted in-depth research on the internal mechanisms of the capital market and the behavioral laws of market micro-subjects, and put forward a series of innovative theories and policy recommendations, which not only enriched the academic research of the capital market, but also provided a scientific basis for policy formulation and market supervision. He pointed out that the financial technology and financial engineering team led by Professor Li Xindan has continued to contribute the wisdom of Nanjing University to the healthy development of my country’s capital market in the design and evaluation of the “Science and Technology Innovation Board” system and the establishment of the Guangzhou Futures Exchange. He hopes that the Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association will continue to provide new ideas and solutions for the high-quality development of the capital market.

Subsequently, Li Xindan, Chairman of the Fourth Council of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association, delivered the “Work Report of the Fourth Council of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association” and the “Financial Work Report of the Fourth Council of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association”, and the representatives reviewed and approved the report. Ding Shaohua, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, delivered the “Work Report of the Supervisors of the Fourth Council of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association”, and the representatives reviewed and approved the report.

On this basis, Li Xindan explained the preparation of the list of candidates for the fifth council of the Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association, including directors, executive directors, president, vice president and secretary general. The congress elected the new council, executive directors, president, vice president and secretary general. Yu Honghai, dean of the School of Engineering Management of Nanjing University, was elected president of the fifth council of the Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association, and Li Xindan was elected honorary president of the council. Ding Shaohua, director of Jiangsu Century Tongren Law Firm, Fan Yuan, deputy general manager of Nanjing Zijin Investment Group, Gao Jinyu, vice president of Nanjing Securities Co., Ltd., Liu Xiaoxing, professor/dean of the School of Economics and Management of Southeast University, Ru Huajie, general manager of Wuxi Xinshang Investment Co., Ltd., Shu Langgen, chairman of the China Research Institute of Green Finance, Wang Qunwei, dean of the School of Economics and Management of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Wang Shenghua, general manager of Jiangsu Huihong Huisheng Investment Management Co., Ltd., were elected vice presidents. Chen Tingqiang, deputy dean of the School of Economics and Management of Nanjing Tech University, was elected secretary general.

Cheng Caixia made a guiding speech on behalf of the Jiangsu Federation of Social Sciences and congratulated the newly elected board of directors. She pointed out that a strong capital market is a standard feature of the modern economy. As one of the important sources of funds for the real economy, how to use this “source of living water” to promote the high-level circulation of science and technology, industry and finance, promote the development of new quality productivity, and fill the “purses” of the people is one of the important propositions of the new era. The research institute must shoulder the heavy responsibility, show its talents, and live up to its mission. The successful change of the Jiangsu Capital Market Research Institute is a major event that connects the past and the future, and it is also the beginning of a new journey. Finally, four suggestions were put forward for the work of the new board of directors of the research institute: first, adhere to the correct direction and enhance responsibility; second, strengthen countermeasures research and give play to the role of think tanks; third, strengthen internal and external links to form a working synergy; fourth, do a good job in internal construction and improve the level of standardization.

Yu Honghai, the new president of Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association, spoke on behalf of the new board of directors. He pointed out that Jiangsu Capital Market Research Association, as a unique financial industry-university-research cooperation platform, has opened up and connected the financial industry and academia. He emphasized that in the future, the research association will deepen the industry-university-research cooperation with a more open attitude and more pragmatic measures, and jointly promote new breakthroughs and new achievements in capital market research and practice. It is hoped that the research association can give full play to its role as a bridge and link, gather the wisdom and strength of all parties, and make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of China’s capital market.