Nanjing University Library Hosts Ministry of Education’s China University Humanities and Social Sciences Documentation Center Service Working Group for Important Seminar

On June 28, the CASHL Data Working Group, Service Working Group, and New Media Working Group Reelection and 2024 Work Seminar, hosted by the Management Center of the Chinese University Humanities and Social Sciences Documentation Center (CASHL) of the Ministry of Education and undertaken by Nanjing University Library, was successfully held at the Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University. Nearly 60 directors and librarians from 20 university libraries including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Sichuan University, and Sun Yat-sen University attended the meeting to discuss CASHL’s new trends and strategies in data services, academic support, and new media development. Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Nanjing University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Huang Xianjin, Director of Nanjing University Library, presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting.

Lu Xiancai pointed out that the CASHL project is not only an academic resource information platform with distinctive Chinese characteristics, but also an important window for my country to conduct dialogue and exchanges with the international academic community. In the process of deepening the research on the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, Nanjing University should make more active use of the CASHL platform to achieve instant sharing of the research results of human civilization on a global scale. At the same time, through this platform, we can keenly observe the latest developments in the field of international humanities and social sciences and grasp the academic frontier. In addition, Nanjing University should also be committed to promoting the latest research results of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation to the world stage, so that the world can better understand China and show the profound heritage and unique charm of Chinese culture. This will not only enhance China’s voice on the international stage, but also effectively enhance the soft power of Chinese culture and contribute more to the development of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Chen Jianlong, Director of CASHL Management Center and Director of Peking University Library, summarized the work of CASHL Management Center and put forward specific work requirements and expectations for the new working group. He said that the central libraries of the Chinese University Humanities and Social Sciences Documentation Center should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the consciousness and firmness of ideological work, enhance self-confidence and sense of responsibility, continue to deepen the integration and development with the higher education document support system, strengthen the coordinated development with the national science and technology system, cultural system, and document resource platform, so that more high-quality resources can benefit more teachers and students, and achieve high-quality development of resources and services.

At the change of leadership ceremony, the CASHL Management Center issued appointment letters to the new members of the Data Working Group, Service Working Group, and New Media Working Group. The new working group members all expressed that they will inherit and carry forward the fine traditions, continuously innovate the working mechanism, improve the service level, and provide researchers and scholars in the humanities and social sciences of universities with better quality and more efficient literature resources.

The new working groups had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the work plans for 2024. The data working group proposed the goal of strengthening data resource integration and improving data service quality, and planned to carry out a series of targeted projects. The service working group focused on improving user experience and optimizing service processes, and planned to launch more convenient and efficient service initiatives. The new media working group is committed to expanding CASHL’s brand influence and improving user stickiness. It plans to convey CASHL’s values ​​and concepts to more users through diversified new media channels. The delegates also had a heated discussion on how to strengthen collaboration among the working groups and how to better serve the humanities and social sciences research in colleges and universities. Everyone agreed that only by strengthening cooperation and forming synergy can the development of CASHL be better promoted.

Luo Jun, secretary of the library general branch, presided over the forum session of the meeting.

This conference not only pointed out the direction for the future development of CASHL, but also built a good platform for cooperation and communication among university libraries. CASHL will continue to improve its service level and capabilities, and contribute more to the prosperity and development of humanities and social sciences research.