Nanjing University Opens Global Charity Communication Research Fund and Center for Journalism and Communication

On June 21, 2024, the unveiling ceremony of Nanjing University Global Public Welfare Communication Research Fund and Global Public Welfare Communication Research Center and the launching ceremony of the “Education for Sustainable Development Partnership Network” were successfully held at the venue of Nanjing University Xianlin Campus. Chen Yunsong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Office of Nanjing University, Professor Li Ming, Founding Director of the UNESCO Higher Education Innovation Center and former Secretary of the Party Committee of Southern University of Science and Technology, Zhao Yuchi, Executive Director of the UNESCO International Rural Education Research and Training Center, and leaders and guests of the School of Journalism and Communication attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the event, Professors Chen Yunsong and Li Ming delivered speeches respectively. In his speech, Chen Yunsong said that standing at the forefront of the times, understanding the changes of the past and present, and pioneering ideas are the unchanging pursuits of Nanjing University. Serving the country and the people is the glorious mission given to Nanjing University by the times. Today, the establishment of the Nanjing University Global Public Welfare Communication Research Fund and the Global Public Welfare Communication Research Center of the School of Journalism and Communication is a powerful measure for Nanjing University to adapt to the needs of the times and respond to the needs of global public interests. It is also a solid action for Nanjing University to take root in China and accelerate the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. Li Ming said that the establishment of the Global Public Welfare Communication Research Fund and the Research Center not only provides an important platform for global public welfare, but also opens up a new path for international cooperation and exchanges in higher education. In the context of globalization, cross-border cooperation and dialogue are crucial to promoting social progress and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Innovation Center looks forward to cooperating with the Global Public Welfare Communication Research Center in “international dialogue and exchange”, “cooperative research projects”, “promotion and application of excellent cases” and “building a global partnership network” to jointly promote the development of higher education.

Afterwards, Chen Yunsong and Zhao Yuchi jointly unveiled the Nanjing University Global Public Welfare Communication Research Fund and the Nanjing University School of Journalism and Communication Global Public Welfare Communication Research Center.

After the unveiling ceremony, Chen Yunsong, Zhao Yuchi, Chen Ruichang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy editor-in-chief of Jiangsu Education Press, and leaders from Haimen, Guannan, Huaiyin, Lianshui, Suining, Ganyu, Yuhuatai, Qinhuai and other places where the “Micro China” project is implemented jointly launched the “Education for Sustainable Development Partnership Network”.

After the launching ceremony, Huang Xicheng, head of Nanjing University’s “WeChina” charity team, and Fang Jia, deputy director of Nanjing University’s Alumni Affairs and Development Office, signed a donation agreement of RMB 1 million on the spot to continue supporting the development of their alma mater.

The core team members of “WeChina” and the team’s instructors took the stage together, and the young people from Nanjing University expressed their gratitude to the teachers who have always provided support and help for the project on the spot and on the big screen.

Afterwards, Huang Xicheng gave a report on the “Micro China” public welfare project, and told the struggle stories of three generations of Nanjing University youth based on the “New Communication + Discipline” and “New Communication + Youth” models. They jointly explored the sustainable development public welfare cycle of “solving problems, educating people, cultivating talents, and giving back”, carried out research and practice with an enterprising attitude, and found Micro China in the grand narrative.

After the report session, Fang Jia, Li Jie, deputy secretary of the school’s Youth League Committee, and leaders and principals of primary and secondary schools from Haimen, Guannan, Huaiyin, Lianshui, Suining, Ganyu and other areas where the “Micro China” project was implemented came to the stage to jointly issue a public welfare initiative, calling on the whole society to support Nanjing University’s “Micro China” project and the development of the “Education for Sustainable Development Partnership Network.”

In the academic report session, Zhao Yuchi gave a keynote speech on “Education Promotes Rural Sustainable Development: Conceptual Framework and Good Practices”. The report focused on the importance of rural education, the promotion of education to rural sustainable development, and the practice of the United Nations Agricultural Education Center. Su Rui, head of the Knowledge Production and Communication Center of the UNESCO Higher Education Innovation Center, gave a keynote speech on “Knowledge Production and Global Communication: The Practical Path of the Innovation Center”, introducing a series of experiences of the Knowledge Production and Communication Center of the UNESCO Higher Education Innovation Center. Wang Chenyao, professor of the School of Journalism and Communication and director of the Global Public Welfare Communication Research Center, shared her understanding of public welfare communication research in the keynote speech “Global Public Welfare Communication Research: Mission, Action, Innovation”.