Nanjing University: Party Committee’s Standing Committee Conducts Special Seminar on Ideological and Political Course Development

On June 3, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the University held a special meeting to study and implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on strengthening the construction of ideological and political courses, and to study and discuss practical measures to strengthen the construction of ideological and political courses. Party Secretary of the University Tan Tianniu presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Deputy Party Secretary and President Tan Zhemin attended the meeting.

The meeting studied and deliberated on the teaching plan for the course “Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” and the adjustment plan for the teaching plan for the elective and compulsory ideological and political courses.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to further revise and improve the relevant plans, promote the high-quality construction of ideological and political theory courses in our school, and focus on three aspects to do a good job in implementation. First, we should thoroughly study General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions and instructions on running ideological and political courses well. We should deeply understand the significance, goals, tasks, and key points of running ideological and political courses well, and constantly enhance the ideological, political, and behavioral awareness of doing a good job in ideological and political course construction.

Second, we should continue to run the optional compulsory courses of “Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” and “Four Histories”. We should strengthen the construction of ideological and political courses and teaching materials, make good use of the main channel of classroom teaching, optimize and upgrade course design and teaching methods, strengthen the construction of course groups, and focus on opening a series of optional compulsory courses around the “Four Histories”; we should improve the quality of ideological and political courses, strengthen systematic, academic and special research, build strong related research bases, run NCU characteristic research institutes well, and provide solid disciplinary and academic support for the construction of ideological and political courses; we should build an excellent team of ideological and political teachers, and strive to build a team of teachers with strong political awareness, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline and positive personality.

The third is to continuously optimize the work pattern of running ideological and political courses. We must strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen the main responsibility of the Party Committee, and provide organizational guarantees for running ideological and political courses; we must form a joint force to promote the formation of a good atmosphere in which the whole school strives to run ideological and political courses well, teachers teach ideological and political courses seriously, and students actively learn ideological and political courses; we must lay a solid foundation for construction and effectively implement the “Action Plan for High-Quality Development of the School of Marxism at Nanjing University”; we must actively run “big ideological and political courses”, broaden our horizons, open up resources, organically integrate the ideological and political “small classroom” with the social “big classroom”, and tell a high-level, deep, broad, and powerful ideological and political “big story”, and further promote the reform and innovation of our school’s ideological and political courses into a new stage of connotation-based development.