Nanjing University: Research Team from United Front Work Department’s Fifth Bureau Visits School for Investigation

On the morning of May 14, Wu Qian, deputy director of the Fifth Bureau of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, led a research team to the Xianlin Campus of NTU to conduct research on the work of non-party intellectuals. Yang Zhong, executive deputy secretary of the school party committee, attended and presided over the research symposium.

On behalf of the school party committee, Yang Zhong extended a warm welcome to the research team and briefly introduced the important achievements of Nanjing University in its 122-year glorious history. Yang Zhong said that in the course of running schools for more than a century, Nanjing University and its predecessors have breathed with the times and shared the fate of the nation. They have pursued the prosperity of the country and the progress of science and education, and have made important contributions to the prosperity of the country and the revitalization of the nation. contribution. The united front work of Nanjing University has a glorious history, and the school party committee also attaches great importance to the work of non-party intellectuals. In the future, NTU will better implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on doing a good job in the Party’s united front work in the new era and the spirit of important instructions on the work of non-Party intellectuals, further do a good job in the work of non-Party intellectuals, and guide non-Party intellectuals. Intellectuals have made new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Wu Qian expressed her great gratitude to NTU for attaching great importance to this survey, and was very happy to come to the beautiful NTU campus to conduct the survey. Nanjing University is a well-known institution of higher learning in China. It has gathered a large number of outstanding talents and has also cultivated a large number of outstanding non-party figures. A large number of non-party figures represented by Lu Jian, a non-party person and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have contributed to the development of the country. and made important contributions to united front work. Wu Qian also introduced the purpose and main content of the survey, and listened carefully to the speeches at the forum.

At the research symposium, Jiao Ruihua, Director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department of the Party Committee, introduced the work of non-party intellectuals at Nanjing University from various aspects such as ideological and political guidance, team building of representatives, and innovative platform carriers.

Representatives of non-Party intellectuals in our school, Vice Dean of the School of Social Sciences Xiao Chengli, Professor Zhong Huan of the School of Environment, Professor Zhang Qianyou of the School of Government, and Professor Jiang Yajun of the School of Life Sciences attended the symposium and put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of non-Party intellectuals .

After the symposium, Wu Qian and her delegation first visited the National Key Laboratory of New Computer Software Technology of Nanjing University. Professor Zhou Zhihua, a non-partisan person, director of the Department of Computer Science and Technology and dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence, accompanied the visit and explained the visit. The research team also paid a special visit to Lu Jian, a non-party person and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Xia Bin, Director of the Non-Party Intellectuals Affairs Office of the Provincial Party Committee’s United Front Work Department, and relevant comrades from the School’s Party Committee’s United Front Work Department accompanied the investigation.