National Conference on Resurgent India: Themes, Aspirations & Challenges @75


Aligarh : The Department of Political Science at Aligarh Muslim University organized a transformative event – the ICSSR Sponsored Two-Day National Conference on the theme “Resurgent India: Themes, Aspirations & Challenges @75”. The conference unfolded at the University Polytechnic Auditorium. .

Mr. Bharat Lal, Secretary General of the National Human Rights Commission, the Chief Guest, presented a lecture on shaping a Resurgent India through inclusive development. He emphasized that by ensuring equal participation and opportunities, India can tap into its diverse talents, fostering economic growth, social equity, and sustainable progress. This approach holds the potential to drive India towards a dynamic and revitalized future on the global stage

In his Presidential address, Prof Mohammad Gulrez, the Vice Chancellor of AMU, underscored the significance of the conference as India commemorates 75 years of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. He highlighted how the conference theme mirrors diverse facets of our nation, embodying the very essence of India. Globally, India emerges as a pivotal advocate for peace, security, and progress, he added.

The Guest of Honor, Prof Amitabh Kundu, presented statistical data and underscored the projections put forth by both the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, indicating India’s prospective role as the world’s fastest-growing economy. As we enter the 21st century, its spotlight rests on Asia, particularly India. However, the imperative to address labour market inequalities lacks a predetermined strategy. Rectifying this demands equitable access to higher education and skill development across all socio-economic strata, encompassing women and minorities.

The Keynote Address, delivered by Prof Baharul Islam of IIM Kashipur, delved into the pivotal role of critical thinking as the cornerstone of a Resurgent India. He emphasized the acquisition of skills that hold value in the twenty-first century.

A Souvenir was also released on the occasion. Dr. Iftekhar A Ansari, Convener, stressed the importance of nurturing positivity and fostering an inclusive narrative conducive to realizing India’s aspiration of a five trillion-dollar economy.

Prof Iqbalur Rehman, the Department’s Chairperson, extended a vote of thanks to the organizing team for their concerted efforts in organizing the Conference.

Prof Rachna Kaushal conducted the proceedings.