NCCR Assesses Karnataka Coastline: 50% Stable, 26% Accreting, 24% Eroding
The Government, through the National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), has undertaken the assessment of shoreline erosion along the Karnataka coast and observed that 50.1% of the coast is stable, 26.2% of the coast is accreting (growing) and 23.7% of the coast is eroding. Accordingly, NCCR has taken up the task of preparing the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) based on the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification (CRZ Notification) under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, to support the state governments in addressing coastal erosion issues and support long-term sea erosion protection works by considering stakeholder requirements in a holistic way.
A ‘Hazard line’ has been demarcated by the Survey of India (SOI) taking into account the extent of the flooding on the land area due to water level fluctuations, sea level rise and shoreline changes (erosion or accretion) occurring over a period of time. The Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) is being aligned with the CRZ Notification which shall contain the parameters as listed including High, Medium and Low erosion stretches for such erosion prone areas and Shoreline Management Plan is being prepared for such erosion prone areas.