New online platform lets anyone explore and learn about quantum technology
QPlayLearn provides education on quantum science for everyone with a range of learning styles.
Quantum technology is the next big innovation in computing and electronics, which will have a huge impact on the whole of society and our day to day lives. The science behind it, quantum physics, is not widely understood by people who do not use it in their day-to-day lives. To help overcome this, a new website is being launched on December 14, and everyone is welcome to the online party.
QPlayLearn is a free online platform that lets anyone explore the concepts behind quantum technology, developed by researchers at the Universities of Turku and Helsinki, and Aalto University, supported by IBM and other partners. Our mission is to provide multi-level education on quantum science and technologies to everyone, regardless of their age and background. We use innovative interactive tools to make the learning process more effective and fun, and accessible at different levels, without giving away scientific correctness.
‘The development of quantum mechanics has reached a point where emerging quantum technologies will dramatically boost our information processing capabilities. That’s why it becomes crucial to develop methods to make quantum physics and technology understandable for society,’ said Sabrina Maniscalco, professor of quantum physics at University of Helsinki University and Aalto University. ‘QPlayLearn is a platform developed by us that allows anyone to learn about quantum physics. It offers content of a different level for target groups of different levels, from primary school students all the way to physics students in universities’
QPlayLearn will include games that teach the basics of quantum physics as well as keynote talks by global experts that explain the terminology and concepts of the field in easy to understand terms. The underlying idea of the content is that one does not have to be mathematically gifted to get acquainted with quantum physics.
The launch event will take place online here on the afternoon of the 14 December, featuring talks, videos and games from researchers from across Europe and hosted by Finnish science communicators, Kari Enqvist and Esko Valtaoja. The event will showcase what QPlayLearn has to offer, and give a fun introduction to quantum physics for everyone. We hope to see you there.