NIT Rourkela Hosts Interdisciplinary Workshop on ‘Techniques of Cellular Studies’

The RNAi Laboratory and Human Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the Department of Life Science at the NIT Rourkela is organizing a five-day interdisciplinary workshop titled “Molecular and Genomic Techniques in Cellular Studies (MAGTICS-2024)” from September 2-6, 2024. Sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Government of India, along with several leading biological companies, this 6-day workshop has brought together prominent scientists, industry professionals, and medical experts to provide lectures and hands-on exposure to participants on modern-day molecular research and their implications in human health. Prof. Bibekanand Mallick and Prof. M. Srinivasan are the convenors of the workshop.

On 2nd September, 2024 the workshop commenced with the inaugural ceremony at the Life Science Department’s seminar hall. Welcoming the participants Prof. Mallick (convenor) said, “The workshop is designed to integrate cutting-edge tools and techniques from various disciplines, including molecular cell biology, molecular genetics, and genomics. The workshop aims to further the understanding of human diseases and disorders by providing participants with comprehensive exposure to modern molecular research methodologies.”

The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. K. Umamaheshwar Rao, Director of NIT Rourkela, in the presence of esteemed dignitaries including Chief Guest Prof. Bisnu Prasad Dash (Adjunct Professor of FM University, Odisha); Prof. Rohan Dhiman (Registrar of NIT Rourkela); Prof. Bismita Nayak (Head of the Department of Life Science) and workshop conveners.

Director Prof. K. Umamaheshwar Rao emphasized the significance of biology & life sciences in improving human lives. He stated, “I never imagined that a tiny virus like COVID-19 could cause such disruption in our lives for nearly two years. Studies related to life sciences such as cellular studies can combat life-threatening viruses by identifying viral genes or by enabling targeted drug development etc. Promoting more research in life sciences or biology and integrating modern-age technologies with it, is therefore essential. I extend my best wishes to all the participants and encourage them to enjoy their stay amidst the rich biodiversity of the NIT Rourkela campus, which is home to a wide variety of birds, butterflies, and other living organisms.”


Prof. Bisnu Prasad Dash, the Chief Guest, remarked, “The interactions within cells are the essence of life, and understanding them has been enhanced by advances in high-end microscopy and molecular techniques. These technologies have improved our ability to explore cellular processes with unprecedented detail, opening new avenues for research and innovation in biology. I am hopeful that this workshop will contribute to detailed knowledge in these critical areas and provide a platform that will drive innovation in the field of cellular biology.”


Prof. Rohan Dhiman talked about the department’s state-of-the-art facilities, including confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and RT-PCR, which contribute to high-impact research publications. He said that this workshop is an opportunity for the participants, undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD students to gain maximum learning as this workshop integrates instructional videos, special guest lectures, live presentations, and hands-on sessions by experts/faculties from premier institutions of the country.


Dr. Bismita Nayak (Chairperson of the workshop and Head of the Department of Life Science) provided an overview of the department’s research activities. She said, “The department has six academic groups: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Ecology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Immunology and Molecular Medicine, Bioinformatics, and Biophysical Sciences. It has state-of-the-art research laboratories equipped with advanced instruments, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate labs designed to provide students with hands-on practical experience through an immersive teaching and learning process.”


The MAGTICS-2024 inaugural event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Prof. M. Srinivasan, marking the start of a successful event dedicated to advancing molecular and genomic research in cellular studies.