North-West University’s Faculty of Humanities Launches Inaugural International Spring School

The Faculty of Humanities at North-West University (NWU) is delighted to announce its inaugural International Spring School, set to take place from 16 to 20 September 2024 at the Khaya iBhubesi Conference Centre in Parys.

This event marks a significant milestone for the faculty, aiming to unite students, study leaders and researchers from various disciplines in the humanities to explore the future of the field amidst the challenges and opportunities presented by modernity and innovation.

“The International Spring School is designed to foster an environment of learning and dialogue, offering participants a unique platform to engage with some of the leading minds in humanities research,” says Prof Mirna Nel, deputy dean for research and innovation at the faculty.

The event promises a jam-packed programme featuring workshops, seminars and the opportunity for attendees to present their own research and artistic works. This is a rare occasion for emerging and established scholars alike to gain insight from expert researchers and to share their contributions to the humanities.

One of the highlights of the week is the opportunity for paper and poster presentations, as well as an artwork exhibition. This allows participants to showcase their research and creative endeavours to an international audience, receiving feedback and engaging in critical discussions.

The call for abstracts, which closed on 12 July 2024, drew a significant response, reflecting the vibrant interest and dynamic scholarship within the humanities community. Each submitted abstract is currently undergoing a peer review process, with authors set to be notified of the outcome by 26 July 2024.

Beyond the formal presentations and exhibitions, the International Spring School places a strong emphasis on networking and collaborative dialogue.

The event is structured to provide ample opportunities for informal interactions, allowing participants to build connections, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations.

These interactions are integral to the event’s goal of fostering a supportive and intellectually stimulating community.

This week-long event will encourage participants to reflect on the evolving role of the humanities, considering how traditional disciplines can adapt and thrive in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. The discussions and presentations will not only highlight current research, but also envision the future trajectory of the humanities.

The first International Spring School is set to be a historic gathering for the NWU’s Faculty of Humanities. Participants can look forward to a week of enriching experiences, intellectual growth, and the forging of new professional relationships.